At 67 I need to find a remote job. My 61 yr old husband quit his job, we had no income for 8 mos, and his current income keeps us behind in our bills. Please pray.
Please pray for my benefit check to get here before Christmas. I am totally broke, am doing my best with working as much as I possibly can, but I have bills due Friday and Saturday and I really don’t want my phone and electric turned off right before Christmas. So please PLEASE God, I pray this...
My life has been on a standstill since 2015. I am struggling my finance and I can't pay my's as if a strong force is against me. Any business I put my hand in, something will always scatter it. My mates are far ahead of me . The whole thing is making doubt if God really exist.. please...
Please I ask for prayers for a financial miracle for my family. We work as much as we can but do not make enough to sustain it seems. Something is always coming up that sets us behind. We have 2 little boys (4 years old and 8 months old) and I try to make life as comfortable for them as possible...
I feel stupid asking for this but could you please pray that my bills get paid this month. Please pray for a miracle that I get the funds necessary to get my bills paid off. I've always been responsible and I hate this feeling of helplessness. I know others have it worse than me but I am just so...
I need prayers for my family because we are struggling with bills, food , etc. I'm also in a dark place where I'm in love with a guy that I did so much for but he's still in love with his ex after she put him out her house
Please pray I receive a large financial blessing and have enough money to move and pay bills in Texas. I'm in a state I don't enjoy or want to be. Please pray for me.
Please pray for Heidy, She's having difficulties with how to pay bills, and if the teacher position that she has is where the lord wants her to be. I am tired and drained !! The bills are not all being paid, please pray for me.
Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for another day and ask you to forgive me for sins. Today I ask for help with prayers. I request on your time God that I am able to somehow be able to provide my daughter with her desires for her birthday today. I pray that I will be able to pay my bills on...
Please pray that I have 2 good days in training, that I have time to budget and pay bills, that I can move forward. God rebuke all of the hypocrites and the hyper critical people micromanaging my life.
Please pray for my daughter Whitney her hours at work have been cut and she needs those hours very bad to pay bills. Please pray that she will get the hours back and her needs will be met.
Please pray we receive the money needed to pay all bills and clear debts immediately. Please pray that everything gets paid. Please pray for a silent request. Please pray that we end this year in a better place than we were last year and our lives keep getting better from this moment forward...
Dear God, I need help with catching up my bills, not pay them off because I am able to handle them once everything is caught up. Just when my husband passed I went from two full-time incomes to one. I thought I would be able to handle it and I did for a minute but I have just been robbing peter...
God I lost my eyesight 3 weeks I'm so down and depressed I can't believe I'm going through this at 39 years of age. I can't work at the moment and bills are getting bad I have no money for Christmas for my kids it's so depressing
I need prayer requests that my job lets me work remote. I'm not ready to leave my 2 month old to go back to work but I definitely need to get back to work as I am behind on my bills. The stress of that alone has caused me so much anxiety that I don’t want my kids feeling any of it.
I just started a new job. Demons are harassing me with a disabled/ rewarded theme. I.e., familiar spirits walking around pretending to be disabled. I don’t want to be harassed at work and I don’t have time to fast. I need to make money and pay my bills.