Articles stop using the word If it is his will as this will make me doubt Jesus Christ and moreover it is not good for a person to be alone as mentioned in the bible and Jesus will bring a helper so help me by stop using if it is his will as I am very doubtful and this will cripple my...
Please pray for me that my mind wouldn’t immediately start thinking of what my life would be like with a version of a guy that I haven’t even met yet. I JUST got his number today and all of a sudden I’m thinking of possibly marrying him. It isn’t making me go crazy but I also don’t want to keep...
Heavenly Father -- you encourage us to place full dependence on You and yet The Bible encourages prayer for each other... Please go before me -- open doors, close doors and provide me with work so I can provide for my family and beyond. I ask I learn about the company and the position and...
5 12 good success
angelic protection blessing
close doors
country: united states
full dependence
heavenly father
james 1 5 wisdom open doors
right job
stable internet
I have an evil voice inside of me that harasses me constantly. I feel hopeless sometimes because it harasses me and refuses to leave me alone. It's NOT Holy Spirit. It's something that is completely NOT of Christ. I don't know what to do. If I knew what to do I would do it. I went to an evil...
Genetic hair loss. I’ve been praying for my hair to stop falling out for years. A DNA test seems to suggest there was a chance I would not lose my hair. I want all of my body, including my hair, to represent the love God has for me. The Bible seems to say that God cares about even our hair (He...
I hope God helps me join the military! I hope the L The bible says to be as little children and to become a soldier. LORD God Jesus, please help me with applying myself and joining as soon as possible. I should join the infantry in Jesus' name, Amen.
Please pray that god guides me in my life and leads me good places. I have made a lot of poor choices in my life and I want to make better ones. I am struggling with a romantic relationship currently. She does not believe in the Bible and I believe she may lead me down ungodly paths. Please pray...
Pray for me as today I seek the kingdom but read the bible but don't understand the 2 Corinthian. And my pastor friend tell me if I seek the kingdom he (Jesus) will give me wisdom to understand and while seek his kingdom and his righteousness instead of sin he will give me my wife. So now as I...
I need God to help me, I need
God to fight for my battles and I need Him
to help me reach my destinations, I need
God to be inside my life to make me an image of Him on this earth, as the Bible says "we have power to walk on the snakes and on the scorpions" I need Jesus' power to walk on...
Apostle I want u to pray for me God to awaken my spirit in praying, reading the bible and fasting cause my spirit is always destructed during me surrendering my spirit to do those things and I love meditating about the word of God but am always destructed by other things
I am not interested in God Jesus Christ anymore after so much disappointment and refused to go to church or pray or read the bible. Only if I get my wife then I will read the bible and go to church. Maybe this is the best although I am a baptize member but this is to show God that I hate him for...
I know the Bible says God will never leave us not forsake us and He will help and strengthen us but the reality is He isn't hearing my cries for help 😢
My sister ### has been home from hospital almost a week and isn't any better. She is so frail and weak and she looks so old. She used to be so...
The Bible in spots says "The living know that they will die, but the dead are conscious of nothing".But in other parts, we read of those dying unsaved, and" there will be weeping and nashing of teeth Also, Lazarus and the rich man, and in Revelation, the martyrs, saying "How long oh Lord holy...
Pray for the blood of Jesus our Lord to remit the sins of those that detest the Bible. May their hearts be move with compassion to perceive for themselves what the verses contain about loving-kindness, hope, and authority over the toxicity of the world. Allow their mouthes to confess that He is...
I pray for guidance this upcoming year in my love life and career and be closer to God. I believe God foresaw something not good at my job and forced me to resign. I have been unsuccessful for ### months to find a job. I feel like I constantly fail everyone. I'm trying to read my Bible everyday...
Heavenly Father, thank you for all you are doing for us. I pray for deliverance from so many attacks Father. Yesterday was so much better, but today I’m back to it being bad again. I was able to sit and study my bible. Please Lord Jesus grant me wisdom and peace again.
Please also forgive me...
So, my family has been just crazy lately! Yesterday, my cat got badly hurt, my new cousin was just born, and my grandpa was diagnosed with brain bleeding and he has to have surgery tomarrow. I love God and trust that this is his plan, but the bible says that more people praying is better. Please...
Thank you all for your prayers&support.
Please keep me in prayer.
I been going to church, reading my bible&constantly working on myself and my relationship with Jesus Christ. I have been fasting&joined a church meeting to help work on myself and my own problems that I need to fix. Me and ex...
I have prayed for this so many times but it just gets worse and worse...please...May I be free from my abusive father..May he repent and all of that for real, cuz he only uses the Bible for his own benefit along other things... he likes to abuse women so he feels better with himself..I'm tired...