bible study

  1. Constance

    Please pray for our midweek prayer service ...

    Please pray for our midweek prayer service and bible study. May the presence of Jesus touch those who will come in.
  2. Elmoring

    Dear Father, forgive all of my sins. ...

    Dear Father, forgive all of my sins. Cleanse my heart from all evil and sin. I want to come to You just as I am. A sinner wanting to have Jesus down deep in my soul. Great is the Lord by His mercy proves His love to all of us. Please, come to our Midweek prayer service and Bible study. Bless us...
  3. Irisses

    Please pray for the glory of the ...

    Please pray for the glory of the Lord come to our prayer meeting and bible study. Lost souls are dying far away from Jesus and we want all of them saved. O God, please, come to us and save those who got Covid. In Jesus name. Amen
  4. Bennitt

    Dear people of God. Please pray before ...

    Dear people of God. Please pray before the Lord for our Midweek Prayer Service and Bible Study that will be full of the presence of Jesus and that lost souls will come in and hear Gods word and be saved. The Lord is coming soon to take us all home to heaven so we must be in prayer and asking for...
  5. Baswal

    Oh Abba Father, you are the chief ...

    Oh Abba Father, you are the chief recruiter over the human recruiters. You are holding things back until I do my Bible Studies. It doesn't matter how many prayers or prayer requests I make you will not budge until I stop wandering in the spiritual wilderness. You are the father, and I am your...
  6. Anonymous

    Wisdom, unity & love at Bible Study tonight 12AM - 2:30AM CST

    Dear God please give wisdom, love and unity at tonight's Bible study, in Jesus name
  7. Maltesse

    Dear Jesus, bless our midweek prayer service ...

    Dear Jesus, bless our midweek prayer service and bible study. Bless everyone who will come and pray and hear Gods word expressed and delivered by your servant. Fill us with Thy Holy Spìrit, cleanse us from all sin and evil we pray. Amen
  8. Remsenn

    Our church needs your prayer. The midweek ...

    Our church needs your prayer. The midweek prayer service and bible study will be tonight and we need Jesus coming to us and helping us, healing us and saving lost souls who will come in today to solve the problems they have. Loss of a job, illness of all kinds, depression set in, stress and...
  9. Anonymous

    Jesus be present as we gather at Bible study (Midnight to 2:30AM CST)...

    Jesus I ask you to be with the pastor's Bible study tonight, give unity, wisdom, refreshment and everyone chances to contribute. May you be in our midst and keep the evil one outside, thank you
  10. Greeterdan

    Would you please pray for our midweek ...

    Would you please pray for our midweek prayerservice and bible study to be full of the glory of the Lord and that lost souls will come in and get saved and be on their way to heaven. O Lord, bless us, help us and guide all of us to heaven. In Jesus name. Amen
  11. Mathissen

    Requesting prayers for our midweek prayer service ...

    Requesting prayers for our midweek prayer service and bible study to be full of the presence of Jesus. He alone can change, He can move, He can bless and heal those who are going through a hard time. Surges are up again and please Jesus, take away all kinds of illness and pain from our life. We...
  12. Ginoh

    Requesting prayers for our Midweek Prayer service ...

    Requesting prayers for our Midweek Prayer service and Bible study. Dear Jesus, send lost souls to get saved and be ready to see Jesus coming for us. Save our loved ones, friends and anyone we know. In Jesus name. Amen
  13. Anonymous

    join me in praline

    This is the power of small group ministries. I urge all Christians to get into a small group. Agree together to do some service, some ministry in the Lord's name, but also take time to share with one another who you are. Bible Study WEDNESDAY NIGHT Start 7pm call in phone 712 432 83 99 code...
  14. Aronutha

    This is the power of small group ...

    This is the power of small group ministries. I urge all Christians to get into a small group. Agree together to do some service, some ministry in the Lord's name, but also take time to share with one another who you are. Bible Study WEDNESDAY NIGHT Start 7pm call in phone 712 432 83 99 code...
  15. ElderKrammers

    Dear God, bless all pastors who will ...

    Dear God, bless all pastors who will have a Midweek Prayer Service and bible study in their churches. Help them, protect them from the pandemic and send lost souls to these wonderful places where Gods word is preached and taught based on Gods word. Bless all of them we pray. Amen
  16. Anonymous

    Testimony in Bible study creates greater grace to witness

    I was just in a Bible study and there was a testimony given that a guy was passing out tracts on a bus and this guy said to the evangelist, "Jesus Christ should come down here and worship me because I've had to suffer so much." The evangelist replied by sharing how Christ left a very comfortable...
  17. GreeterJustin

    Dear Father in heaven, please bless our ...

    Dear Father in heaven, please bless our midweek prayer service and bible study. Bless our prastor and his family. Bless those who are gona come and please, bring back those who left the church. The pianist, the Sunday teacher and others who did not come back again fearing they will get Covid...
  18. Appell

    Dear God, bless our midweek prayer service ...

    Dear God, bless our midweek prayer service and bible study. Send the right people to our midst, specially those who need to be saved and those who are broke and cannot solve their problems. Only You can do wonders for us. We love You and we praise You for every single blessing You sent our way...
  19. Brotherstyles

    Dear heavenly Father, please bless everyone who ...

    Dear heavenly Father, please bless everyone who prays and those who ask for help in their lives. Answer with blessings and help and grace. Dear God, bless our midweek prayer service and bible study. Save the souls of the lost and those who got Covid 19. Save them and heal them we pray, in Jesus...
  20. Beverlie

    Dear God, bless our midweek prayer service ...

    Dear God, bless our midweek prayer service and bible study. Bless those who will come in and be with them. Amen
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