That God should save me from financial constrains and pay off my huge debts.
God should provide me a better job.
That God should grant me good health and protect me against all accident.
please play for may dad to get a better job,,he is a drive BT things are very hard and complicated for him ,he has to pay for our schools and find food for us just to eat he has a driving license BT hr hasn't find a job yet plz man of God pray for him,,,,hiz name is given kangilla Munzaka,
I am in a such desperate condition. Me and my husband need a better job. I am jobless now and my husband working with very minimum payment. We still have debts and bills. We need motorcycle and a handphone A.S.A.P. my husband use them for working because he is a online motorcycle driver. I...
Please I need prayers for God to deliver me from spiritual attack by the devil always harming my life day and night and also free me from my finicial breakthrough and get a better job and get a place to stay or apartment for myself to free myself and and do the work of God
I am Joseph working on contract. I am having b.p and diabetes also I am having headache and body pain for last two days please pray that it will become normal.
Also my wife is having b.p and diabetes please pray that it will come under control.
My son Wilber is jobless please pray for...
Dear Brethren, please join me in praying for open doors of blessing from above and may the almighty God provide for me a better job that will make me and my family be together instead of staying apart. I prayed may the almighty God grant me uncommon testimony which every eyes can see, requesting...
I get more stress and tensed in friendship; work place I lose my control
and get more angry which I wanted to avoid. Am searching for better job
please for me
Thank you
After being wronged by his former boss (and paid only half his salary a few months ago), P desperately needs a better job, but is disappointed in not getting his immigration identity documents and not being offered a new work contract. May P be led by God into the right choices & decisions; he...
I work as a clerk in a hospital. It's been very stressful ever since the pandemic started. I do my best on the job but the work keeps piling up and it seems like so much is going wrong. It seems like Satan is stepping up his attacks. I'm praying that God will deliver me from them and help me...
Committing the new academic year & everything & & everything that i will be doing & covering & the next couple of years into GODs hand. Want to be able to graduate & get my college degree & get a better job.
Praise the Lord, My name is Pratiksha. I have broken up with my partner Rahul Malhotra few days ago. As we wanted to get married but his parents want him to get married according to their choice. He wants to marry me but he is helpless as its a question of his parents. After breaking up with...
Dear Heavenly Father, please help me to find a better job, that I can support my family and my department head and supervisor and colleagues will help me thru when I get problems and they have patient to train me when I am on board, in Jesus name I pray amen
Pray for me i want bakkie car i want to do business with it and use it to help me i also want my son to live his life without smoking and drinking and left all his friends .May God blessed him with better job.please God help him so that hecan get a driver's license and live a better life