Praying for people who are homeless and people who are facing evictions. These are recorded on Ytube every day and I find it to be so cruel. People are removed from their homes and all their belongings are placed on the sidewalk. It’s very sad. Please Father help them. Please lead the families...
Lord please bless protect and heal us, help us to have healthy boundaries and rebuke all evil away from us and our belongings and have these glasses come back quickly and correct and on time with no issues at all your mercy and will in our lives and help to sleep well
Please pray for me. Please my Lord, I humbly pray my parents will stop going into my room and belongings. I humbly pray my parents will stop getting my things and placing them somewhere else and hiding them or throwing them away, or giving them away especially when those things or items did not...
Father,Thank you for looking after my daughter in the night and for all of us plus the cats. Please God continue to help us today and every day and night ,destroy corona virus in my daughter, myself if I have any, my cats, my ex Vaska, our flats ,my ex s car ,all our belongings right now,give us...
Please God destroy every corona virus from Vaska right now and any corona virus in me,my daughter,my cats Cila and Ashley right now,also in my ex in our houses,my ex car and our belongings,IJNA.please,please,IJNA.
Jesus please let my son be ok at school today. Please let him do well on his quiz and stay awake and not lose any of her belongings. Please also let my husband go to work and my father be able to help us fix our car. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Jesus please let my son keep all his belongings together and not lose anything today. Help him with his memory. Please also let my mother in law's missing check show up, or if she didn't address the payment right, let it come back to her. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
prayers for everyone that has water leaks in there homes this summer with rains floods ruff on all but when i ask for prayers for water leaks in homes i feel bad due to there is people out there loosing there homes there family there belongings there animals so i feel bad asking for water leaks...
Please cancel all evil assignments, please help us Father, do not let anyone of items, our belongings, anything that belongs to us go into the wrong hands, in the hands of those who want to do evil. Please give her wisdom and discernment so she can make the right decisions, please expose to her...
Praying I can pack my belongings up and move into a hotel praying for a better job praying for my Grandmother praying for a financial blessing finish my MBA praying for a new. Car get a trucking business
I requested a car from a charitable organization so I can get to the grocery store, my cats to vet and other errands necessary to maintain us. I also would need one to get to my new apartment with my belongings and cats and when i get my new job to get to work. Please pray for this to happen for...
Requesting prayers again for someone to notice and come pick up the spray paint I have posted on neighbor hood website and wood pieces to build with rather than buy new. Both are free. Especially important for spray paint to be taken as my belongings may need to be in hot storage. In Jesus name...