
  1. Vladi777

    Please kindly for your support!

    Today I have "fasting and prayer" before the Lord! Please, support me with prayers to the Lord! Let us pray that the Lord will sanctify, inspire and bless all of my - motives, focus point, prayers, deeds, and behaviors, so that all fragrance and beauty is before Jesus Christ! Let us pray, Lord...
  2. Vladi777

    Please kindly for your support!๐Ÿ™

    Tomorrow I plan to have "fasting and prayer" before the Lord! Please, support me with prayers to the Lord! Let us pray that the Lord will sanctify, inspire and bless all of my - motives, focus point, prayers, deeds, and behaviors, so that all fragrance and beauty is before Jesus Christ! Let us...
  3. Vladi777

    Please kindly for your support!

    Tomorrow I and my brother Tihomir plan to have "fasting and prayer" before the Lord! Please, support us with prayers to the Lord! Let us pray that the Lord will sanctify, inspire and bless all of our - motives, focus point, prayers, deeds, and behaviors, so that all fragrance and beauty is...
  4. Dowwyx

    Please pray for Mr.Chitaranjan Patnaik who is ...

    Please pray for Mr.Chitaranjan Patnaik who is not behaving properly with his wife Mrs Jagdeshwari Patnaik and she is depressed by his behaviors , earlier I had requested you for praying for him and God answered the prayer, so now I n believe the same thing will happen once again by your prayer...
  5. Vladi777

    Please kindly for your support!

    Today I have "fasting and prayer" before the Lord! Please, support me with prayers to the Lord! Let us pray that the Lord will sanctify, inspire and bless all of my - motives, focus point, prayers, deeds, and behaviors, so that all fragrance and beauty is before Jesus Christ! Let us pray, Lord...
  6. Vladi777

    Please kindly for your support!๐Ÿ™

    Today I have "fasting and prayer" before the Lord! Please, support me with prayers to the Lord! Let us pray that the Lord will sanctify, inspire and bless all of my - motives, focus point, prayers, deeds, and behaviors, so that all fragrance and beauty is before Jesus Christ! Let us pray, Lord...
  7. Vladi777

    Please kindly for your support!๐Ÿ™

    Tomorrow I plan to have "fasting and prayer" before the Lord! Please, support me with prayers to the Lord! Let us pray that the Lord will sanctify, inspire and bless all of my - motives, focus point, prayers, deeds, and behaviors, so that all fragrance and beauty is before Jesus Christ! Let us...
  8. Vladi777

    Please kindly for your support!๐Ÿ™

    Tomorrow I plan to have "fasting and prayer" before the Lord! Please, support me with prayers to the Lord! Let us pray that the Lord will sanctify, inspire and bless all of my - motives, focus point, prayers, deeds, and behaviors, so that all fragrance and beauty is before Jesus Christ! Let us...
  9. Vladi777

    Please kindly for your support!๐Ÿ™

    On September 26, 2020 year(this Saturday) I plan to have "fasting and prayer" before the Lord! Please, support me with prayers to the Lord! Let us pray that the Lord will sanctify, inspire and bless all of my - motives, focus point, prayers, deeds, and behaviors, so that all fragrance and beauty...
  10. Vladi777

    Please kindly for your support!๐Ÿ™

    On September 26, 2020 year(this Saturday) I plan to have "fasting and prayer" before the Lord! Please, support me with prayers to the Lord! Let us pray that the Lord will sanctify, inspire and bless all of my - motives, focus point, prayers, deeds, and behaviors, so that all fragrance and beauty...
  11. Articles

    God's Instruction

    Therefore, anyone who rejects this instruction does not reject a human being but God, the very God who gives you his Holy Spirit. โ€”1 Thessalonians 4:8 NIV Key Thought Scripture is not a collection of nice sayings left for us to ponder and do with them as we wish. It claims to be the message...
  12. AngelCali

    Kindly pray for the unit above me ...

    Kindly pray for the unit above me to mind their 3 children who are 7, 5 and 1. There are 4 adults and 3 children living in a 2 bedroom. They allow the children at all times to jump stomp bang and slam things on the ground. They do it till 10-11pm. We have had to call the cops. They canโ€™t tell...
  13. Vladi777

    Please kindly for your support!๐Ÿ™

    Today I have "fasting and prayer" before the Lord! Please, support me with prayers to the Lord! Let us pray that the Lord will sanctify, inspire and bless all of my - motives, focus point, prayers, deeds, and behaviors, so that all fragrance and beauty is before Jesus Christ! Let us pray, Lord...
  14. Vladi777

    Please kindly for your support!๐Ÿ™

    Tomorrow I plan to have "fasting and prayer" before the Lord! Please, support me with prayers to the Lord! Let us pray that the Lord will sanctify, inspire and bless all of my - motives, focus point, prayers, deeds, and behaviors, so that all fragrance and beauty is before Jesus Christ! Let us...
  15. Vladi777

    Please kindly for your support!๐Ÿ™

    Today I have "fasting and prayer" before the Lord! Please, support me with prayers to the Lord! Let us pray that the Lord will sanctify, inspire and bless all of my - motives, focus point, prayers, deeds, and behaviors, so that all fragrance and beauty is before Jesus Christ! Let us pray, Lord...
  16. Vladi777

    Please kindly for your support!๐Ÿ™

    Tomorrow I plan to have "fasting and prayer" before the Lord! Please, support me with prayers to the Lord! Let us pray that the Lord will sanctify, inspire and bless all of my - motives, focus point, prayers, deeds, and behaviors, so that all fragrance and beauty is before Jesus Christ! Let us...
  17. Vladi777

    Please kindly for your support!๐Ÿ™

    Today I have "fasting and prayer" before the Lord! Please, support me with prayers to the Lord! Let us pray that the Lord will sanctify, inspire and bless all of my - motives, focus point, prayers, deeds, and behaviors, so that all fragrance and beauty is before Jesus Christ! Let us pray, Lord...
  18. Vladi777

    Please kindly for your support!๐Ÿ™

    Tomorrow I plan to have "fasting and prayer" before the Lord! Please, support me with prayers to the Lord! Let us pray that the Lord will sanctify, inspire and bless all of my - motives, focus point, prayers, deeds, and behaviors, so that all fragrance and beauty is before Jesus Christ! Let us...
  19. Cartangoth

    Pray without ceasing I Thess 5:17. What ...

    Pray without ceasing I Thess 5:17. What a blessing we can pray without ever having to stop. Always humbling ourselves and our requests before God. What a joy. Please pray that we use prayer to prepare our day that our behaviors and action be pleasing to our God so that whatever we ask he hears...
  20. Vladi777

    Please kindly for your support!๐Ÿ™

    Today I have "fasting and prayer" before the Lord! Please, support me with prayers to the Lord! Let us pray that the Lord will sanctify, inspire and bless all of my - motives, focus point, prayers, deeds, and behaviors, so that all fragrance and beauty is before Jesus Christ! Let us pray, Lord...
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