Lord I ask you please please renew renew my whole youth in evefy way whole beauty in every way skin hair ete brows eyes stomach health figure faith confidence teeth smile please please lord in every single wat right now please in jesus christ namess
My online domain is cleared up I have my nails done beautiful today get my bankruptcy lawyer see clearly through my eyes no energy light attraction 🧲 magnetism favor beauty of the Lord is being stolen from me now. My vehicle doesn't get towed from me instead my bankruptcy goes through easily...
I get my light and beauty favor attention attraction back magnetism charisma mojo personality power anoiting Joy of the Lord Glory 2 Glory back for me my kids Mama now. I get my bankruptcy done that's best for me now easily knowing which chapter is best 7 or 13 find out if the vehicle is worth...
charisma mojo personality power
country: united states
current boyfriend
favor attention attraction
glory 2 glory
immediate family
kids mama
I ask you please please lord bless and please please make me please every part of me please lord the total total very very best ever please lord model in every single way part of me right now always please lord in jesus christ name bless your beauty your glory your radiance your shigina glory to...
Lord I ask you please please renew renew restore please please lord my whole youth in every way whole beauty in every way whole skin eyes teeth skin gins faith confidence figure in every way please Incredibly in every way please lord right now I ask you please please lord bless me every part of...
Lord I ask you please please renew restore please my whole beauty in efery way whole youth in every way skin in efery wah eyes in every way ete brows hair skin teeth gums stomach figure faith confidence please please lord n every way right now please heal my eyes in every way permanently please...
Lord I ask you please please renew restore po my whole beauty youth jaur skin eyes stomach faith confidence in every way rught now please remive every all marks blemishes all every pigmentation marks uneven skin tone every red viebs all every dark circles hollow under my eyes please permanently...
Lord nothing nothing is impossible for you your words say ask and I will recieve I ask you please please lord renew totally renew restore please lord my whole youth in every way my whole beauty I every way my whole hair in every way my whole skin in every way my eyes eye sight in every way my...
Lord I ask you please please renew restore please my whole youth in every way whole beauty in every way hair in every way eye brows in every wah eyes in every way skin in every way teeth smile gums in every way stomach figure faith confidence in every way please please please lord right now...
Lord nothing nothing is is impossible for you I believe your words say ask and I will recieve I ask you please please lord renew renew restore please lird my whole beauty whole youth hair skin teeth smile eyes stomach figure faith confidence in every way part of me please lord incredibly right...
Lord I ask you please please renew restore my whole youth in every wah whoke beauty in every way hair in every way skin teeth snake gums eyes still h fate health faith confidence in every way right now please incredibly abundantly please please lord bless me please to please please look 25 years...
Lord please please renew renew restore please please lord my whole youth in every way whole beauty in every way hair in every way skin in every way teeth smile gums in every way stomach figure confidence faith in every way incredibly abundantly please please lord I'm every way please lord right...
Lord help me please please let people stop making fun of me and my looks I’m fed up of this all . I have gone through 35 yrs of this and I just want it to stop , when will u shine your light on me lord and show my beauty to people . Please help , your servant .
Lord your words say ask ask and I will recieve I ask you please please lord renew renew totally renew please lord my whole youth in every way whole beauty in every way whole health in every way hair in every way skin in every way teeth smile gums in every way confidence faith health stomach in...
Lord nothing nothing is impossible for you your words say ask and I will recieve I ask you please please please lord renew renew please lord my whole youth In every way whole beauty in every way whole skin eyes teeth smile haur stomach figure faith confidence health please please lord in every...
Lord I ask you please please renew restore please my whole youth in every way whole beauty in efery way haur etes beiws in every way skin teeth smile stomach figure health faith confidence please lord in every way please lord rught now please in jesus christ namess I ask you please please bless...
Lord I ask you please please renew renew please lord my whole youth in every way whole beauty in every way hair in every way skin in every wah eyes in every way stomach figure health eyes confidence faith in every single way incredibly abundantly I every way rigjt now please please please...
Lord nothing is impossible for you I ask you please please lord renew renew restore please please lord my whole youth in every way whole beauty in efety way hair in every way skin in efery way etss in every way teeth smile gums stomach figure in every way right now incredibly please please lord...
Lord I ask you please nothing is impossible for you please please lord renew renew restore please please lord my whole beauty whole youth hair skin teeth smile eyes stomach figure faith confidence please please lord in evrfydingke way right now please in jesus christ namess I ask you please...