Bless this beautiful day for me and my family lord , keep peace in the family , May you lord help all my extended family , please lord have them follow you & change there hearts . Thank you lord .
Please lord bless this beautiful day , protect my family from evil , blessings today n always . Praying for all prayer members. Urgent prayers for my wife and kids , restore my wife’s business and open doors of opportunity for me .
Dear God, thank you for waking me up this morning to see another beautiful day. Thank you for your protection, guidance and healing. Thank you for sharing your love and always being there for all of us always. Thank you for your grace and mercies. Thank you for loving me always. I pray for all...
God Bless my family this beautiful day, let all stresses leave are family . God send us blessings & peace today and all days ahead. Praying for all intentions.
Lord bless this beautiful day and weekend , protect us from all evil people , curses and gossip . Whoever wants to destroy my family , please lord builds us up even stronger and closer to you lord .
Lord bless this beautiful day , restore my marriage, please lord take all evil eye , headaches, curses away fro me and my family. Thank you . In Jesus name .
God bless this beautiful day please , keep us safe , unite my family again . Let me and A be whole again , no more judging, gossip or talking bad about each other , stop her from hating me , shine your light on me oh lord ,change my look and attitude, show me in a kinder light , loving light .
Lord bless this beautiful day for my family & all members . Protect us from all evil people & situations, keep all evil plans & gossip away from us and who ever wants bad for us , let it backfire , build us up even stronger , better in front of there eyes. Thank you lord .
What a beautiful day that will come to us when we shall see Jesus as He is. Full of majesty and great glory. Those redeemed by His Blood will be able to behold the marvelous hour of eternity coming to us.
O we shall behold Him,
Face to face in all His glory.
We shall behold Him.
Our Savior...
Bless this beautiful day lord , keep all evil attacks away from my family . Pls restore my marriage & health, let my wife be concern about me again . Help my wife with her work .
Lord bless this beautiful day , keep all evil people & evil eye and curses away from us . Any evil that people throw are way let it turn to blessings from God . Bless us all.
Please lord let my anniversary be ok , let us let go of the past . Let it just be a beautiful day on Thursday, let us be back in love again , May the lord protect us from all evil , please .