Fight Your battles Lord please Mighty Victory in this and favor that You bless us in all this and bring mighty Miracles and Justice with everything. Praises
Hand Pain Flare up can’t rest well. Praying for your mercies and my check to be processed and come to me Soon Lord and No more Lies blocks denials or delays of Your enemies. Defeat them You’re coming soon and Will Fight Your Battles
Please fight Your battles Lord not been well and having to go through all this with everyone to get answers is very exhausting. Please bring mighty Favor Justice protection blessings and peace blessings
Healing stomach issues and more and so cold please have everything work out according to your plan and will Protect us lord so tired. Please help in everything and fight Your battles
Lord in Your mercy bless and deal with your enemies defeat them give us their necks in all this bring mighty victory and justice. You’re taking a stand and fighting your battles for your people Justice Favor Wisdom Strength Blessings and Protection Amen
Stop All Injustices against Your People Now my Lord have them find my Letter I sent them Certified a Month ago Now fight Your battles Your mighty Blood Is against THESE LYING DEMONS NOW AND SOON THESE DEVIL WILL FAVE GOD’S JUDGEMENT AND FIRE!
Fight Your battles Lord If You be for us who can be against us and defeat your enemies please Your mighty sprinkled Blood is over us our car home finances family and body
Fight Your enemies lord and give us their necks by your mighty Blood covering over us Fight Your battles and defeat your enemies and have them fall into their own trap they set for God’s people
Lord please fight Your battles for us with insurance that they turn this all around and compensate us soon to get all these repairs done asap with the attn. bring us Your victory in all this and heal us up completely You Are Praised
Healing of leg and foot night craps. Fight Your battles Lord Your mighty favor restoration and timing is Now. It is time to turn this all around in our favor. Protect us in this Life with all it's punches, nothing is impossible with You. Keep us All safe and daily in your prayers and away from...
I am so sick and dealing with all this is so overwhelming please intervene and Fight Your Battles for us lord bless and protect with wisdom blessings and mighty favor and protection soon as we deal with insurance attn and all involved. Please bring us your Healing Strength and heal colds and...
Bring strength and healing grant us our prayers and no mold issues and defeat your enemies that are against us and help these battles that are yours Lord
Help cams to keep recording and Stop all harassment and injustices lord Fight Your battles and help to rest and only bring your Godly to help here soon
Keep us all safe from all Danger Hurt or Harm Lord and Fight Your battles for us with insurance and all the promised Help soon and from these resources
Please have these people come and do great work and all issues taken care of, had a plumber come and try to fix an issue but still somethings going on something’s still not fixed right, but they didn’t charge to fix flusher Praise God please lord fight Your battles for us
Pray for my brother. Pray he gives his life to Christ and overcomes battles in his life. Pray he comes to repentance of his sins. Pray God protects our communication and relationship in Jesus Name. Pray God keeps His Hand of Protection over us always. Pray for our family