bank loans

  1. Bameltar

    My name is Rabin Jung Adhikari and ...

    My name is Rabin Jung Adhikari and I attend a Pentecostal church in Kathmandu. I would like you to fervently pray for a great trouble that I have run into. Recently, my bank captured my property and sold off to a third party without giving me any notification since I was not able to pay off bank...
  2. Bameltar

    Dearly beloved brother Paul, Greetings in the ...

    Dearly beloved brother Paul, Greetings in the matchless name of Jesus ! My name is Rabin Jung Adhikari and I attend a Pentecostal church in Kathmandu. I would like you to fervently pray for a great trouble that I have run into. Recently, my bank captured my property and sold off to a third party...
  3. Polonosten

    Sir My self Chetan Fernandes From Karnataka ...

    Sir My self Chetan Fernandes From Karnataka I am doing a fishing business I have a fishing bot on partnership from last year am not getting fish and my business also in very bad condition I have some bank loans Please pry for my business And I want to repair my home also Please sir pray...
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