
  1. Des Denisse

    My Lord, I humbly pray please provide ...

    My Lord, I humbly pray please provide for me to be able to pay the balance I owe at my nearby public library. Please I humbly pray, help me to return to school for the fall semester at UTRGV. I also pray that the brownsville public, Library will open soon. In Jesus, name. I humbly pray, and ask...
  2. Moorland

    Father God help me to stop Travor ...

    Father God help me to stop Travor from bothering me I don't want him anymore. Let him accept that its over between me and him.Please God help me to be out of this relationship.Let my things get to normal,financial breakthrough, finished my home,my debts. Let Sipho pays my balance. I thank you Lord.
  3. SAMV

    I humbly implore the Lord for His ...

    I humbly implore the Lord for His intervention in these situations; trusting and praying for His much needed Peace and healing. May He restore order and balance. May this person not try to flatter S or make her change her mind. May God's will be done! Blessings of breakthrough and abundance...
  4. SAMV

    I humbly implore the Lord for His ...

    I humbly implore the Lord for His intervention in these situations; trusting and praying for His much needed Peace and healing. May He restore order and balance. May this person not try to flatter S or make her change her mind. May God's will be done! Blessings of breakthrough and abundance...
  5. roblove

    can you pray for my mother she ...

    can you pray for my mother she has a lot of pain in her abdomen because of a hernia that comes in and out she going to see a gastroenterologist at the end of the month i like you to pray for God to heal and help with the pain also still keep my dad in prayer he still getting dizzy and losing...
  6. Articles

    Today's Verse - Ephesians 6:4 (KJV)

    And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. —Ephesians 6:4 (KJV) Thoughts on Today's Verse... Malachi 4:6 promised that fathers and children would be reunited in heart. Let's make that true in our homes by nurturing and...
  7. SAMV

    Please I need some prayer. May I ...

    Please I need some prayer. May I get over the news that upset me deeply last night; I could not sleep last night. May Peace and balance be restored! God knows all the details. May He make all things work out for good. In Jesus Name. Amen. God bless
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