Heavenly father pls cleanse me of all unrighteousness evil wickedness sin and pls forgive me of all sins. Pls save all those that r not yet saved. Pls deliver me from all evil and all demonic attacks satanic attacks bad thoughts evil thoughts Wicked thoughts evil eye familiar spirits soul ties...
Heavenly father I thank u this morning. Pls cleanse me of all unrighteousness deliver me from all evil all temptations all wickedness and all attacks of the enemy. Pls forgive me of all sins. Pls help me to repent. Pls that no sin no attacks of the enemy will have any foothold in my life. Pls...
bad motives
country: unknown
demonic attacks
evil thoughts
heavenly father
new job
right motives
satanic attacks spiritual attacks
Heavenly father pls forgive me of all sins and pls cleanse me of all unrighteousness. Pls deliver me from all evil and all unrighteousness. Pls deliver me from all mind games mind battles evil thoughts bad thoughts bad motives. Pls destroy all witchcraft evil heart wicked heart. Pls that no sin...
Heavenly father pls cleanse me of all unrighteousness and all unrighteousness and pls forgive me of all sins. Pls deliver me from all evil eye mind games bad thoughts evil thoughts idolatry lust adultery repetitive sin familiar spirits anger stubbornness. Pls destroy all witchcraft demonic...
heavenly father pls intervene that i will not have to return to the home i was living in RI and the job i was having before i moved to TX. I have been trying to relocate to the dallas ft worth area and find an affordable one bedroom apt but i never found anything. and i wanted to attend covenant...
affordable one bedroom
country: unknown
covenant christian church
dallas fort worth area
dallas ft worth area
demonic attacks satanic attacks
evil thoughts
heavenly father pls
spiritual attacks evil eye
Heavenly father I thank u this morning. Pls protect me from all evil and all attacks of the enemy and all mind battles all mind games all demonic attacks satanic attacks spiritual attacks idolatry adultery lust evil eye evil thoughts bad thoughts. Pls watch over my mother father sister and two...
country: unknown
demonic attacks
evil eye evil thoughts
heavenly father
mind battles
mind games
mother father sister
satanic attacks spiritual attacks idolatry adultery
two brothers
heavenly father pls cleanse me of all unrighteousness and all sins. pls plead your blood on me. pls deliver me from all evil and all attacks of the enemy especially at night. pls protect me from all evil thoughts bad thoughts demonic attacks satanic attacks pride spiritual attacks especially at...
country: unknown
demonic attacks
evil thoughts
heavenly father pls
new house
night pls
satanic attacks pride spiritual attacks
sins pls
Angriness and bad thoughts push me down from my Christian walks of life, I always fight with my husband because of bad thoughts within me because of my husband's past mistakes.
Heavenly father I want to move to Amarillo TX but the apartments I applied to are $645.00 and 654.00 and I'm afraid that I might not have enough to afford this cost every month. Pls intervene. Pls protect me from all attacks of the enemy and all demonic attacks satanic attacks nightmares bad...
Forgive me Lord, for having bad thoughts. Please help me by keeping my mind healthy, and positive. May I always think healthy positive thoughts. My Lord, I humbly pray please bless my tuition waiver. May my tuition waiver be a blessing on my life. Please cause for me to not be seen with envy, or...
Heavenly father I thank u this morning. Pls deliver me from all evil all attacks of the enemy and all demonic and satanic attacks and all demonic and satanic forces. That no weapon shall ever prosper. Pls bind and destroy all this. Especially while I sleep and at night. Pls that I will find a...
Heavenly father pls cleanse me of all unrighteousness and all evil and all wickedness and pls forgive me of all sins. Pls plead your blood on me. Pls protect me from all attacks of the enemy and all demonic attacks satanic attacks mind battles mind games evil thoughts bad thoughts bad motives...
Heavenly father I give my heart and my life to u and I accept u as my Lord and Savior. Pls protect me from all nightmares demonic attacks satanic attacks spiritual attacks and all attacks of the enemy especially while I sleep at night. Pls help that I will find a new house and move to a new...
country: unknown
heavenly father
new area
new house
night pls
nightmares demonic attacks
repetitive sin idolatry adultery lust
satanic attacks spiritual attacks
savior pls
Pray for my father, my father is extremely unwell. He recently got diagnosed with heart blockage, Had a pacemaker inserting surgery. But his condition is going bad AM having bad thoughts going on inside my mind. Please pray for his soon recovery. And fit and fine health
Heavenly father I thank u this morning. Pls be with me and all tha members on this site. Pls deliver from all evil and all attacks of the enemy and all demons and all spiritual attacks. Pls cleanse me from all unrighteousess and from all sins. Pls cleanse my heart and my mind. Pls that no...
Heavenly father pls forgive me of all sins and pls cleanse me of all unrighteousess. Pls deliver me save from all evil all demonic attacks satanic attacks spiritual attacks mind battles nightmares evil thoughts bad thoughts evil eye familiar spirits lust idolatry rebellion divination witchcraft...
Heavenly father pls forgive me of all sins and pls cleanse me of all unrighteousess. Pls deliver me from all evil and from all attacks of the enemy. Pls deliver me from all idolatry and all nightmares witchcraft familiar spirits bad thoughts evil thoughts mind battles mind games bad motives. Pls...
bad motives
country: unknown
familiar spirits
heavenly father
mind battles
mind games
nightmares witchcraft
peaceful nice sleep
peaceful thoughts
Heavenly father pls forgive me of all sins and pls cleanse me of all unrighteousness. Pls deliver me from all evil and from all attacks of the enemy and all mind battles idolatry adultery lust evil eye and all evil and bad thoughts and bad motives. Pls that I will have right motives in...