bad motives

  1. Anonymous

    Heavenly father pls kindly forgive me of ...

    Heavenly father pls kindly forgive me of all sins pls kindly cleanse me of all unrighteousness and all sins. Pls kindly protect me from all spiritual attacks bad dreams nightmares. Pls break and crush all bad thoughts bad motives bad intentions. Pls kindly intervene that I will have a call back...
  2. Anonymous

    Heavenly father pls kindly forgive me of ...

    Heavenly father pls kindly forgive me of all sins and pls cleanse me of all sins. Pls kindly shield me from all attacks of the enemy and all spiritual attacks. Pls kindly intervene that my heart will be right with you. Pls set me free from all repetitive sin sexual addictions sexual sin adultery...
  3. Anonymous

    Heavenly father I thank u that I ...

    Heavenly father I thank u that I have a new job and that I was approved to officially change my name. pls cleanse me and forgive me of all sins. Pls kindly shield me from all spiritual attacks bad thoughts bad motives bad dreams nightmares. Pls kindly intervene that I will save money and...
  4. Anonymous

    Heavenly father pls kindly cleanse me forgive ...

    Heavenly father pls kindly cleanse me forgive me of all sins. Pls deliver me set me free from all anger rage bitterness resentment bad thoughts bad motives bad thoughts spiritual attacks. pls help me to repent of anything and Pls help me in all areas in life. Pls kindly help me to overcome all...
  5. Anonymous

    Heavenly I thank u this morning. Pls ...

    Heavenly I thank u this morning. Pls shield me from spiritual attacks and all nightmares bad thoughts bad motives bad intentions evil intentions. Pls break and crush all evil activity in my life and all evil eye witchcraft idolatry adultery repetitive sin any sin in my life sexual addictions...
  6. Anonymous

    Heavenly father I need a job asap. ...

    Heavenly father I need a job asap. Pls kindly intervene and pls break and crush all demonic activity yokes curses strongholds soul ties in my life and all witchcraft bad thoughts evil thoughts bad motives evil intentions all repetitive sin evil eye imperfections bad intentions. Pls deliver me...
  7. Anonymous

    Heavenly father I need a job asap. ...

    Heavenly father I need a job asap. Pls kindly intervene and pls break and crush all demonic activity yokes curses strongholds soul ties in my life and all witchcraft bad thoughts evil thoughts bad motives all repetitive sin evil eye imperfections bad intentions. Pls deliver me from all types of...
  8. Anonymous

    Heavenly father pls cleanse me of all ...

    Heavenly father pls cleanse me of all sins and Pls kindly forgive me of all sins. Pls break and crush all evil all anger rage witchcraft divination evil eye bad thoughts evil thoughts evil intentions bad intentions bad motives resentment bitterness idolatry. Pls deliver me from all sexual...
  9. Anonymous

    Heavenly father I thank u this morning. ...

    Heavenly father I thank u this morning. Pls kindly intervene that I will get a call back from the Amarillo TX Walmart and that I will be eligible for rehire. Pls kindly intervene that I will have a job that I will pass my accounting course and officially change my name. And having money to...
  10. Anonymous

    Heavenly father I thank u this morning. ...

    Heavenly father I thank u this morning. Pls help me to put u first. Pls kindly shield me from all nightmares bad thoughts bad motives spiritual attacks. Pls kindly intervene that I will get my two suitcases back at my current address in where I live canyon tx. Pls kindly intervene that I will...
  11. Anonymous

    Heavenly father I thank u this morning. ...

    Heavenly father I thank u this morning. Pls deliver me from all spiritual attacks. Pls break and crush all earworms. Pls intervene that I will have these 2 songs out of my memory. Pls break and crush all witchcraft evil eye bad thoughts bad motives curses yokes strongholds. Pls deliver me from...
  12. Anonymous

    Heavenly pls forgive me of all sins ...

    Heavenly pls forgive me of all sins cleanse me of all sins. Pls help me be loving caring for all ppl. Pls break and crush all evil eye bad thoughts bad motives repetitive sin anger rage divination. Pls save all those that r not yet saved. Pls help me make right choices. Pls include right ppl in...
  13. Anonymous

    Heavenly pls forgive me of all sins ...

    Heavenly pls forgive me of all sins cleanse me of all sins. Pls help me be loving caring for all ppl. Pls break and crush all evil eye bad thoughts bad motives repetitive sin anger rage divination. Pls save all those that r not yet saved. Pls help me make right choices. Pls include right ppl in...
  14. Anonymous

    Heavenly thank u this morning. Heavenly pls ...

    Heavenly thank u this morning. Heavenly pls intervene that the UPS will ship my two suitcases back to my current address in Canyon TX. Pls and having a new job soon. And having money. Pls break and crush all evil eye witchcraft bad thoughts bad motives divination curses yokes strongholds. Pls...
  15. Anonymous

    Heavenly father pls rlly needed to ship ...

    Heavenly father pls rlly needed to ship mattress to new house but am short of money. Pls intervene heavenly father pls bless me with $2,000 if possible. Heavenly father pls rlly need a bed to sleep on at my new house. Pls cleanse me of all sins and Pls forgive me of all sins. I give my heart and...
  16. Anonymous

    Heavenly father pls thank u this morning. ...

    Heavenly father pls thank u this morning. Heavenly father still scared. Pls intervene that I'll will have a job in the new town I'm moving to in two days. Pls forgive me of all sins and Pls cleanse me of all impurities. Pls shield me from all spiritual attacks bad ppl bad thoughts bad motives...
  17. Anonymous

    Heavenly father I'm moving to a new ...

    Heavenly father I'm moving to a new city but I have no job. I'm really afraid. Pls intervene that I will have a job in tha city I'm moving to. I was also thinking of moving back to Rhode Island and having tha job had last year. Pls give me a sign if I should move back to Rhode Island or still...
  18. Anonymous

    Heavenly father I thank u this morning. ...

    Heavenly father I thank u this morning. Pls deliver me from all spiritual attacks bad thoughts bad motives demonic evil forces sexual sin sexual addictions adultery lust idolatry bad dreams nightmares. Pls intervene that I will have a new job and a new house that I will move next week. Pls...
  19. Anonymous

    Heavenly father pls cleanse me of all ...

    Heavenly father pls cleanse me of all unrighteousness and pls forgive me of all sins. Pls intervene that I will find a job and a house to live in Rhode Island and that I could move back there. I'm at risk at having no job and I'm stuck in Canyon TX. Pls if it's your will to die pls allow me to...
  20. Anonymous

    Heavenly father I thank u this morning. ...

    Heavenly father I thank u this morning. Pls cleanse me of all unrighteousness and pls forgive me of all sins. Pls shield me from all satanic attacks spiritual attacks bad thoughts bad motives bad ppl. Pls break and crush all evil in my life and all witchcraft divination laziness sleeplessness...
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