I have been living in my mom home for 36 years. She pass away last year May 12th, 2020.
It is in bad condition, My brother who lives next door on the same property is on the deed, Im not,
my mom was the owner and my brother is the coowner, so he can do whatever he want. His wife and a
29 year...
Oh.. Jesus, Mr Joycil is in very critical condition. He is suffering from cancer and HIV positive. He has more pain on his body. Now he is bed sick. His age is 29yr. Plz heal him Jesus with ur strong blessings and love. Plz save the joycil life. His family is poor. So his family also is in very...
Man of God Prophet Tb Joshua can you please pray for me about my life it's in bad condition everything e.g health, stressed,marriage, financial. Thank you
Am requesting you to pray for my Brother Frank Owoyesigire who is admitted in Intensive care unit ( ICU) because of complications after healing from Corona virus one of his lungs has hole that keeps loosing his oxygen, he is now in a very bad condition Kind pray for us Robert Tumwijukye
I had a friend send me this just now. First of all Bill is lost and unsaved, so he needs prayer for him to turn to God and healing prayers also. My friends brother Bill, his heart is in bad condition. The NP from the Congestive Heart Clinic FaceTime with us Tuesday. She said he is in heart...
Please pray for my son Samson he is abnormal and suffering from mental problems. Please pray for him i need miracle in my family. I am going in bad condition. God please look upon us. I heart is crying lord please listen to me. Amen
Please pray urgent for my son Samson he is giving trouble very badly. Today he bit me badly. He is having mental problems also. Now he is not sleeping also. Whole day i am sitting in front of him. Now also he is not sleeping. Please pray for my request. I am in very bad condition. I am having...
Thank you for your email .please pray seriously because my son is in bad
condition He is vomiting due to too much poison in the blood after
receiving a lot of injections due to severe athima.
name is Jeanne,we are planing a marriage,when she planed to come,they refuse that she can take airplan.they said that she did covid test earlier,then from 10th they are not allowing her to do a covid-test to come. 2. I am ill legs and a back,nerves from April and now i can't walk well. 3. I am...
My self Chetan Fernandes From Karnataka
I am doing a fishing business I have a fishing bot on partnership from last year am not getting fish and my business also in very bad condition I have some bank loans
Please pry for my business
And I want to repair my home also
Please sir pray...
Please pray for our jobs. Financially we r in very bad condition.please pray mine nd my husband's job.Our savings completed nothing there for us now.please pray .show us the way to earn lord
Good morning brothers and sisters. My name is George Omondi from Kenya. Man of God please pray for my father in law. Mr. Meshack Vulemi. He is diabetic and in bad condition please man of God. Thank you
My cat is seriously hurt. It ahs been days I am not been able to put any medicine as he is a stray. I cannot see him in such a bad condition. Please help him Lord. Heal jin plrease