
  1. needhelpsobad48

    Jesus please let my son be ok ...

    Jesus please let my son be ok at school today..please let him stay awake and pay attention and finish his test. Please also let me feel better my stomach hurts so bad. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
  2. Anonymous

    Prayers for my mom. Her boyfriend always ...

    Prayers for my mom. Her boyfriend always comes home and ignores her. He’s constantly on the phone taking phone calls and not spending time with her. She deserves love and attention. She’s always sad. I pray that they learn to have conversations with each other and her boyfriend can stay off his...
  3. natasha2

    My brother and his soon to be wife - fights

    Please pray that my brother and his future wife (present girlfriend) will stop having fights because of her son. He is seeking alots of attention now that she wants to divorce her ex (with whom she is not living couple of years). THey are both divorcing now. And my brother sais that she is the...
  4. needhelpsobad48

    Jesus please heal the infection on my ...

    Jesus please heal the infection on my leg. Please let my son be good, safe and ok at school and pay attention and ask questions about his work and not go on the internet on his laptop unless he is approved to. Please let my husband get up and do what he is supposed to. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
  5. needhelpsobad48

    Jesus please let my husband help me ...

    Jesus please let my husband help me tomorrow and not run off for hours and do what he said he will..please let my son stop misusing his computer at school and pay attention. Please also heal my infection. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
  6. needhelpsobad48

    Jesus please help my son at school ...

    Jesus please help my son at school today and please let everyone be nice to him and him be alert and pay attention. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
  7. Itarirpar

    Dear God I'm not fine mentally and ...

    Dear God I'm not fine mentally and emotionally. I'm depressed & having anxiety. As days gone by with out any solution to my problems which is financial, my Lord I'm very afraid.. I ask help from someone which but I do not know if he will pay attention to my letter. But I'm hoping and praying...
  8. needhelpsobad48

    Jesus thank you for my son's teacher ...

    Jesus thank you for my son's teacher writing me back and please let my son be ok at school and not sneeze a lot or be sick and let him be able to turn in his early dismissal note and get his locker combination and also him pay attention and not trip over anything getting off bus. Thank you...
  9. needhelpsobad48

    Jesus please let my son realize we ...

    Jesus please let my son realize we have to take our pool down summer is over and that he has to pay more attention in school. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
  10. Mamon

    jesus make my husband mad for me ...

    jesus make my husband mad for me becos i love him so much and i m doing everything for him but still he do not love me he do not care for me i want nothing. just. want to talk to him he dont understand my feeling what should. i do i dont get any idea. pls do something jesus. give me his love...
  11. Mamon

    pls. pray for my life my husband ...

    pls. pray for my life my husband do not care me he donot take care. of my life he do not love me what i didnot do for him. but still he dont pay me attention he dont care me he dont love me i cant more jesus i want to die becos he dont love me pls give me his. love
  12. natasha2

    Rich social life, love, joy, attention

    Rich social life today. Contentement, love, joy in and around me. Me showered with love and attention.
  13. Saxberone

    He isn't like me in any way. ...

    He isn't like me in any way. Thank you, Jesus, for everything that has happened and continues to happen. You never stop paying attention to me.
  14. Kolakaskalos

    Please pray for our extended family.from where ...

    Please pray for our extended family.from where am married no man loves his wife.we have children but these men pay all their attention to their mother and father and they have left their children with their mothers.May God deliver them so that they can love and support their children the way...
  15. needhelpsobad48

    Jesus please let my son stop being ...

    Jesus please let my son stop being so difficult about taking his medicine and listen to me. He is not paying any attention. Also, please help him go to the bathroom. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
  16. needhelpsobad48

    Jesus please let my son's knee be ...

    Jesus please let my son's knee be ok and if it hurts him today in school let him go to the nurse and not participate in gym class. Please let his stomach issues be resolved. Please let him also do all his work and pay attention. Please let the mail come today, as I have important letters to go...
  17. natasha2

    Rich social life, love, joy, attention

    RIch social life. Joy, Good mood. Positivity. Health, strength. Love and attention and respect and favor from everybody. Love relationship manifesting for me. (and marriage) Today marveloous day in every aspect, amen.
  18. needhelpsobad48

    Jesus please help my husband at work. ...

    Jesus please help my husband at work. Please let him feel better. Please help my son at school today. Let him be cordial to others, pay attention, want to join a club and make friends and eat better. Also, please let his teacher be nice in her response to me. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
  19. needhelpsobad48

    Jesus please help my husband he is ...

    Jesus please help my husband he is so sick and at work and he is worried he has Covid. Please help him!!!! Keep him safe and heal him and don't let it be that. Please also help my son at school. Let him get what he is still owed and let him also work on his handwriting and pay more attention in...
  20. Byblechos

    Dear Lord, pray for my enemy and ...

    Dear Lord, pray for my enemy and his slender(family) member. Tha he get over his obsessions and addictions to people who don't pay him the attention he deserves. IJNIP
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