Heavenly pls help me to not pay any attention to those living around me. So I will not think of these at all. Pls cleanse me of all sins pls forgive me of all sins. So my laptop will turn on.
Heavenly I pls cleanse Me of all unrighteousness and all sins. Pls forgive me of all sins.. Pls so I will not pay any attention to any of those living around me or think of anyone at all. So I will receive funds to move my things to my new house. So after I will not recall any of the ppl I was...
Heavenly father pls cleanse me of all unrighteousness and pls forgive me of all sins. Pls help me so I will never think of anyone or pay any attention to any of those living around me. Pls so I will have love for ppl. Amen.
"Because when I called you did not answer..."
I used to sometimes wonder what this city, even this nation, would've been like had, even those connected to my assignment, simply come when called, and done as God commanded, rather than as predicted they would. I didn't have to wonder long...
Heavenly pls help me so I will mind my business and not pay any attention to any of those living around me. So I will leave tx and move to another state. Amen.
Heavenly I thank u this morning. Pls cleanse me of all unrighteousness and all sins. Pls intervene so tomorrow I will get a call back from minix management so I will know tha house number I’m moving into. So I will have complete clarification of this. Pls help me to not pay any attention to...
God I can not get to the church where you assigned me tomorrow and I really want to go. Please communicate with me somehow what you wanted me to hear for my situation. I wantedto be there God, i wanted to come meet Jesus. I was tempted to go to another church but I know thats not your will. I...
heavenly father pls intervene so i will never pay any attention to any of the ppl living around me. so i will complete my online university and have a better job working from home. so i could receive deliverance and healing and afford $599 rent in lubbock and so next year i could live where my...
Heavenly I thank u this morning. Pls give me a clear mindset. Pls intervene so I will attend Covenant CHRISTIAN church in Dallas Fort worth TX and I will not pay any attention to anyone in Canyon TX. Amen.
Heavenly pls help me so I will not pay any attention to anyone living around me. So I will concentrate on my studies at all times. And money to move me mattress. And I will have money to pay bill at new house. Amen.
God i have sought glory from men, I wanted to be seen, I wanted attention whether positive or negative it didnt matter and I dont have a love for you in my heart. I ask that you would have mercy on me. I ask also that you would have mercy on my family. The way they are is my fault. Please have...
Jesus I am here you have my allegiance you have my attention. I will listen to this message until we are in agreement. I repent when I hear you call. I renounce distractions. You are my healer.
Jesus please help my son today let him be good and pay attention his last full day of school. Please also let him turn in what he is supposed to, but not lose his yearbook..please also help me with my hand I don't know why it keeps getting strange bumps on it. Please also.let me figure out how...
Jesus please let my son make some good friends before high school starts in the fall. Please also let him pay attention the last few days of school. Please let me get recertified for assistance and help my memory. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Jesus please help my son today stay awake and alert and pay attention and do well on his presentation. Thank you for my package tracking now. Please let my husband do what he is supposed to today and please let me get re-approved for my assistance. Also, please let my mother in law's missing...
Jesus please let my son pay attention at school today and do well on his presentation. Please let my mother in law's check show up. Please let my package show up. Please also let me get re-approved for assistance for food. I don't know what will we do if I don't. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Jesus please let my son pay attention in school today and please let him remember to turn in everything. Also, please let my mother in law find out what happened to her missing check and my package start tracking. I do not feel like making more phone calls about it. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Jesus please help my son at school today. He has two tests and needs to pay attention for other classes that his teachers have noticed he isn't. He also does not want to take notes and he has to. Please help him realize that, and let his French teacher have mercy on him for doing project wrong...