God, please grant Katie peace of mind and calm her troubled heart. She needs clarity and peace right now so she can focus and complete all the assignments that are due tonight. Lord she is troubled and can't seem to balance the workload while tackling the stress, anxiety and fear. Please rid her...
Jesus please let my son wake up fully and be attentive in school and do everything that he is supposed to and let his teachers he nice, especially his Art teacher..please let him give my son more time for his assignments, which is required by his IEP and disability. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Jesus thank you for letting me figure out my son's math homework, but please let him study and want to learn. I love learning, please let it rub off on him. Also, please let my husband's back pain subside and let him have more help at work. Please also let my son's art teacher let him have...
Thank you everyone for your prayers. Prayer is powerful and God heard and answered our prayers for a miracle. My daughter was able to complete all her assignments and score high on her final exam. She was a mess, stressed and full of anxiety. Time was against her, and it seems impossible that...
Jesus please let my son be ok at school today and his Art teacher stop being such a jerk. He is arrogant and lies and did not help my son with a bullying situation, and is refusing to grade of his assignments after promising to do so. He owes my son (and me) an apology for how he accused my son...
Jesus please let my son remember to turn in his assignments today at school. The teacher might not give him another chance. Please also let my missing mail show up. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Please Heal my teeth lord and help this new crown to hold up right and there’s a strange car coming around our property very Slow Cancel al assignments against Your people
Remove all pain Lord to feet and heal dizziness and get good Healing sleep and rest and help us in everything and keep us safe and cancel all assignments of Your adversaries Lord
Jesus please let my son do well on his quiz today. Please let my landlord get my rent check. Please let my son's teachers grade his assignments and let them understand that with my health issues that I cannot be a chaperone on their field trip. Please let my son be ok though and no problems...
My Lord, I humbly pray, please bless me to prepare well to return to school with your favor and grace. My Lord, I humbly pray that you bless me to know my way around blackboard. Please bless me with wisdom to know every function of blackboard collaborate. I especially pray you bless me with...
Cancel all assignments of Your adversaries Lord and keep this mng off our backs and bring justice in this situation and all situations and help to sleep soon.
Jesus pleas help me I am so upset tonight with my son was awful. He doesn't care about anyone or anything but himself and is getting worse every day. I can't take this life anymore. If I had anything to do with his behavior by doing too much for him, I am sorry, I repent, but I CANNOT handle his...
Jesus please let everything have been ok with my son at school today and email responses be ok and my son's teachers have been nice to him and his English teacher specifically be well and back in school and grade his assignments. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Lord cancel this hunger attacks any trouble in our lives. Favor and understanding as I talk to these offices soon that hold my livelihood to survive. Cancel and Thwart all assignments of Your enemies against us these battles are Yours. Please help to not crave carbs or these foods that are not...
Jesus please let my son use bathroom and go to bed. Please let me have done the right thing asking his counselors for help. Please let his teachers respond to me and him and let him redo assignments. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Jesus please let my husband be ok at work tonight. Please let my son do well on his quiz in Math today, turn in all his work, and his Art and English teachers agree to regrade his assignments. Please let the Art teacher specifically accept his redo because he will be left with a bad grade if...
Jesus please help my son stay awake and alert at school and be warm enough and careful. Please let his teachers allow him to redo assignments and remember to go for help with his math at lunch. Please also help his memory and heal his learning issues. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Jesus please help my husband at his job tonight. Please let my son have a good day at school and let all of his teachers grade and regrade the assignments that he made up. Please let his art teacher have a heart and let him resubmit his drawing. My son wasn't finished yet and he is on an IEP and...
Jesus please let my husband finish his required tests for his job tonight and have a good night at work. Please also let my son study. Please let his teachers let him redo his assignments to bring up his grades. Please also let us fix my son's keyboard and find missing items. Thank you Jesus, Amen.