EMERGENCY PRAYERS REQUEST please pray my grandma is sick. been bedridden for years. me and my mom fight constantly. dotn know how to dela with her aspergers syndrome. NEEd help all alone for YEARS PLEAAASE HELP ME I BEG YOU
MERGENCY PRAYERS REQUEST please pray my grandma is sick. been bedridden for years. me and my mom fight constantly. dotn know how to dela with her aspergers syndrome. NEEd help all alone for YEARS PLEAAASE HELP ME I BEG YOU PLEAS EI BEG YOU WITH ALL THAT I AM I HAVE NO HELP PEASE OSMEOEN PRAY FOR...
EMERGENCY PRAYERS REQUEST please pray my grandma is sick. been bedridden for years. me and my mom fight constantly. dotn know how to dela with her aspergers syndrome. NEEd help all alone for YEARS PLEAAASE HELP ME I BEG YOU PLEAS EI BEG YOU WITH ALL THAT I AM I HAVE NO HELP PEASE OSMEOEN PRAY...
pleas epray of rme i feel liek im praying non stop for years and it was a wast eof time. i want to be free. Lord set me free. brign helaing to my fmaily. no matter how much i seek God i dotn t see hope. i am tire dof all the illnesses in me an dmy fmaily. why did God giv eme a mother who as...
please Lord God almighty pleas epelas ehela my mothe rand brother of aspergers syndroem hela my grandmas demtia. LORd lal my life wherever i lived with my parents they yelled at me all day every day. i jsut pray no mor eyellign toda.y i hcant handle it anymore. END MY life or stop the yellign at...
lord i cant handle anymore every day IS A LIVIGN HELL. PLEASE HELP EM AND MY FAMILY. lORD I DOTN WANT TO BE ALIVE ANYMORE. PLEASE END MY SUFFERING. i dont want to be alive anymore. i dont want to deal with my moms aspergers anmore she is so abusive my foot hurzts i hate diabetes i hate life. i...
my mom is always abusing me and we care for my grandma please God make her stop abusing me i cant handlke it please HELP I HAVE NO ONE TO TURN TO SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME I AM SICK CARING FOR MY BEDRIDDen grandma very sick and my mom who has aspergers always absoing me. we live in poverty SOMEONE...
Please God heal my daughter from her condition Cittrulinaemia,also she has other emotional ,psychological traumas,it is very likely she has asperger 's syndrome.Please heal her from all that,save her soul too,ASAP,IJNA.Father also heal me from all my conditions and deliver me from evil spirits...