Very urgent lord please please by your power please make my dentist open open asap abd for all there problems building work to please please get completed ASAP in jesus name please please restore all every broken missing teeth fillings I have asap no more cancelled dentist appointments please...
Lord please please please make my dentist open open asap agd fir all there problems building work to please be fixed ASAP please interveen in this and please sort restore all all every broken missing teeth I have asap without any delay please in jesus christ namess
Very urgent lord please please fix restore all every broken missing teeth I have asap please make my dentist open open asap please in jesus christ namess
Very very urgent lord please please by your power make my dentist please please open be able to open asap make all there problems building work be done resolved rigjt now please lord no more cancelled dentist appointments please restore all every broken missing teeth I have asap no mote delays...
Urgent lord please please fix restore all every broken missing teeth I have asap please lord paid for by NHS please lord I pray mu dentist opens asap that all there building work is completed asap no more delays no more cancelled dentist appoitment incerveen lord in this please please restore...
Please Father from Heaven ,be with my daughter aLways day and night permanently,watch over her,save her ASAP ,heal her from her metabolic condition ,heal this part of her body ,which produces the missing enzime,and from all emotional,psychological traumas,she might have,also from mild...
Lord please please make the dentist I go to please please lord open asap without any delay please for all there building work to please please be completed ASAP please lord without any delay lord no more cancelled appointments please lord in jesus christ namess I ask you please please lord by...
Lord please please make the dentist I go to please please open asap please lord for all there building work to please be completed ASAP no more cancelled appointments and please please lord make sima my cebtistvplesse please fit brabd new brushes cemented on 3 broken teeth I have and tooth thats...
Lord please please make sima my dentist please by your power fit brabd new crowns brushes in broken teeth tooth thats moving cemented on asap please as I desire do all white fillings teeth Whiting as I desire asap paid for ny nhs without any delay please in jesus christ namess
Lord I am you please please make sima my dentist please please fir brabd new crowns brushes kn 3 broken teeth I have tooth thats moving cemented on asap by your power make her do this give her the skill wisdom to do this restore all every broken missing teeth I have please lord asap please right...
Lord please please bless me please with brahd new beautiful teeth I desire paid for by NHS right now please without ahy delay please please lord restore all efery broken missing teeth i have with brabd new crowns bridges I desure cemented in paid for by NHS right now please without any delay...
Very very urgent please please all pray my lord my god please please msje sima my dentist please plesse fit brabd new crowns bravd new teeth bridges cemented on 3 broken teeth I have tooth thats moving abd do all white fillings teeth whitening for me asao please please lird paid for by NHS...
That My daughter Malaika & Clyde & family find a good home to.move into asap so that they may not be stressed and out of pocket. That my son in law Kishore may get an earlier date for his heart operations and all go well. Money invested by my husband long overdue may be returned asap. My...
Very very urgent lord please please restore restore all every broken missing teeth I have please lord right now better efer before asap without any delay no more delays in this place in jesus christ namess please lord bless me please with awsome amazing incredibly teeth whitening I desire new...
Very very urgent lord please please make the dental hospital please please fit 3 brabd new crowns brabd new bridges on all efery broken missing teeth I have please lord right now please lord without any delay please please restore all every broken missing teeth I have better than ever before...
Help us lord that they all answer soon and get this mammo app.t in asap and get good results and they answer quickly now. Please heal throat infection coughing up stuff that the script dr. Ordered will help, also digestion belch bloat when eating and no food traps in teeth. Heal and bless us and...
Very urgent lord please please please make the dental hospital please please fit 3 brand new crowns brand new bridges please lird in all every broken missing teeth I have asao please ruhht now pleasd lird without aby delay done perfectly with no problems complications at all paid for by NHS...
Very very urgent pird I ask you pleasd please maje the dental hospital please please fit 3 hrabd new crowns brand new bridges on all evefy broken missing teeth I gave rhvht now asap please lord without any delay done perfectly paid for by NHS ruvht now please without aby delay please lord me...