The fighting is getting worse. Oh Father please take this evil spirit from here. Please let Hostadmin and Articles read what i have written and respond. They seem to not care anymore. Help me Father. Amen
I'm wondering if Articles is posted by Gloria Steinem.It always has articles posted specifically to women,in marital conflicts they seem to make men out to be the culprits and sympathize more with the women.{Although women commit adultery too.,right or wrong.?}But a blog last night,even said...
Thanks for the prayers Wychcrest, Articles, and Sukrit, I still need prayers, I can walk better, but not far and now still have trouble spleeping, so please keep praying to get rid of all the trauma in my legs and my back, tlhanks Jim OBrien
I'm starting to wonder if "Articles" is posted by Gloria Steinem. Theye're always making men out to do wrong, and never mentioning a womans role in the relationship. There's enough of that out in the world...
Not for anything, and not that saying it will change anything, but I notice there are those that are more "active" on the site, they respond, and at other times I get on and there are some of those who are maybe not the "well-known" ones who ,if I post at a certain time, ,not only me , but I...
pls pray for my daughter she has perotid gland infection once already operated but effected with the same condition. pls pray for her and all the people those who need our prays
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> 🙏 Prayer Requests and Devotions 📖 Oct 21, 2020
> These are Wednesday's highlights of...
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pray for my finencial miracle amen
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> These are Tuesday's highlights of activity at We hope you are being ministered to as a member of the site. Be sure to visit the site many times throughout the day, every day, to post your prayer requests...
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