Jesus please help my husband at his job. Please let my son be ok after our argument. Please let him realize he can't look up bad stuff on my computer and that he cannot talk about bad stuff. He cannot understand why I am upset. Please let him realize the implications of his actions and why I am...
1) normal heart beat. Healed heart - my mom took last night a pill for calming her down because of that
2) Peace, love, harmony and joy between my mom and father, they had argument yesterday, this may be a cause of it, they are cca 85
Jesus please let my son be ok at school today and not lose anything or not know what to do. Please let him get the stuff I paid for. I am sorry about our argument. Please help me no sleep and I don't feel well. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Jesus please let my husband be ok at his job and I am sorry about our argument. I wish he would text me back. I just don't understand why he feels the need to act like someone else. I just want him to be more mature and care about me and my feelings. Why can't he do that? Please also help the...
I need prayer. I married a man who is not a peacemaker. He is disrespectful and can be emotionally abusive. After an argument, I feel like I’m at his mercy trying to make things right. It’s emotionally draining. We have a son who is watching all of this happening. Now we are in my room as he...
Please pray that Kenjay is reminded of why he and his ex wife China separated and he decides not to visit her to try to fix things but instead focuses on me and our relationship. Please pray that Kenjay and China get into a heated discussion that makes him change his mind about visiting ...
communication barrier
country: united states
ex wife
focus determination peace of mind
heated discussion
Prayers for me lanita I am so sad this evening my husband wilford not sure if it’s the medication he is taking for his cancer or not but he is very aggressive today after a argument he almost jumped on me I am so sad just pray for me not sure what’s going on
Please pray for my He left home after an argument with is....he is really depressed......we are unable to contact him..... please pray that he may reach e safely... Please.....he can do anything with him.... Pray for him... Please
My brother went into an argument with his neighbor, the neighbor threatened to kill or destroy his children, yesterday they were burying something underground. Please help me pray that the hand of the evil or wicked will not prevail against my family. The neighbors name is Clifford and Joyce
My brother had an argument with my dad he run away from home then we were in touch with him but now his phone is off its been a week now and he is no where to be found I pray that he is safe and that he calls hope and says he is okay and that he may come back home and reunite with our family.
Jesus please let my son be ok today at school. Don't let him be upset and let him do well on everything..also please let no one judge me for this morning the argument we had at busstop and let him realize he can't just do something because "everyone else does". Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Please pray for me SB, and that I will not continue to let the incident that happened on Saturday morning bother me. Pray that the person I called my friend Kaila D will come out of her selfish and stubborn ways, realizing how she hurt me and how our argument could've been avoided. May she take...
Praying for peace and protection for myself. I was involved in an argument over the weekend that showed me what someone I thought was a friend really thought about me. I pray that Kaila D will realize what she said to me was hurtful especially when I am dealing with the loss of a friend who just...
Jesus please let my son remember what to do today on his assignments at school and not be upset. I am sorry we had an argument this morning. Let him realize I am sorry. Please also don't let him lose anything and help him know how to submit his assignments properly. Please also let me feel...
Please God stop the argument between my daughter and my ex right now ,calm them both down and find a solution of their problem now,please,in Yeshua' s name Amen.Please God calm my daughter down right now and stop her shouting,IJNA.
Lord I am so dumb and supid I hate myself. I told my husband that I did not like when this guy comes with his sister because he allways comes over and bothers me he has alhole on his breath and talks to me but I can not hear very well at all in one ear and it bothers me wish he would not come so...