Today's Prayers... April... 4th... 2023... TUESDAY Still need EVEN MORE praying... JESUS - The Bible's GOD - PRECLUDE ONCE AND FOR all the plans against us at it's origin... meaning... when someone starts thinking about something like so, please JESUS stand still right in front of us FORBIDDING...
Today's Prayers... April... 3rd... 2023... MONDAY... JESUS - The Bible's GOD - thanks for all already praying these prayers posted, keep sending more people for praying for: JESUS, keep sending YOURSELF, more than ever before, plenty of HORDES of Angels from HEAVEN in our favour, ORDERING the...
Join me to thank God Almighty for bringing all the members of Prayer Request to the new Month,the 4th month of the year month of April our month of RESURRECTION. May God Almighty grant that all our blessings, glories and virtues that the enemies have killed or buried be Resurrected unto us all...
God my son believe in you please bless him with a victory miracle angels favor please pray that he will get apartment for his family they need it be for April first he has a large family he is struggling lord here the prayer request amen thank you
Today's Prayers... April... 1st... 2023... SATURDAY JESUS - The Bible's GOD - Wide open the eyes and ears of the evil people for SEEING and HEARING, INDEED, 24/7, all YOUR Angels in our favour, wherever the evil people are ( even if separated from each other in different places ) + whatever the...
Father lord reunite my parent let them come back as husband and wife Father my admission and visa granted Father this April is my month of settlement getting married Father favour my parent bless my father provide everything I need to succeed in these Canada travel Father grant bankole visa and...
1. The check up on April 3rd is going to be the last check up for David Kadiri. 2. The last drugs I am taking is going to be the last I will take 3. God give me my children 4. God give me a house in Lagos 5. God give me a car 6. God give Azubike Daniel Anyadike his green papers. 7. God give...
11 uproot stubbornness disobedience rudeness
azubike daniel
country: unknown
david kadiri
david life
green papers
last check
last drugs
panic seizure
...Restoration of my physical, spiritual and emotional health. ... Lifetime Financial stability to happen in the first week of April,2023. Name: Emmanuel Israel Simbo
God please bless my son Bobby with apartment before April first. He has to find apartment for his large family and his kid who has autism. Please bless him with apartment and bless with healing strength. And forgiveness of his sins please everyone can pray for a victory for my son amen thank you
Ok.... my rent is due on April 27th 2023... I don't have 807 dollars... I'm disabled..... I need to sell my house before that date...I need to sell it quick
Myself n my pet cat spooky cat could use prayer for continued good health n easement of my back pains my friend could use prayer that she can return to work in april
heavenly Father in the name of Jesus Christ my son Bobby needs a victory. He needs apartment for his large family before April first. Please cover him in your blood Jesus and bless him with protection and wisdom please everyone pray for my son and his family amen thank you
My uncle is getting admitted in the hospital tomorrow and after few days he will be going through operation which is a big day please pray for my uncle and also please pray for my exam result that will come in April or May please pray for my exam result and for my uncle 🙏
We want lord jesus to change our mba 2nd year 3 sem time table by today evening 6.00 clock we want new time table by 8.00 clock night and we want to write our exams from april 13 please lord please postpone now
Please lord change our current time table we are mba 2 nd year 3 sem students we want new time table by today night we want to postpone our our exams please pray for us. We should pass in exam's please we want to write our exams from april 13 please postpone now please God.