apostle paul

  1. Vladi777

    I need prayers!

    *I need prayers, Jesus Christ to give me direction, wisdom, support, victory and blessing for every area of my life! I just do not want to determine the course and direction of my life. I want Jesus Christ to be my God and Savior! God knows the struggles, situations and problems! *The Lord...
  2. Articles

    Today's Verse - Psalm 23:5 (KJV)

    Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. —Psalm 23:5 (KJV) Thoughts on Today's Verse... While the enemy of the righteous may flourish for a season, God will lavish his love and show his favor on the righteous. As...
  3. Vladi777

    I need prayers!

    *I need prayers, Jesus Christ to give me direction, wisdom, support, victory and blessing for every area of my life! I just do not want to determine the course and direction of my life. I want Jesus Christ to be my God and Savior! God knows the struggles, situations and problems! *The Lord...
  4. Vladi777

    I ask for your prayer support!

    *The Lord expands the boundaries, responsibilities, and ministries that I believe He has given me. I ask for your prayer support. Lord God of Glory, to build me up and affirm me to have a humble, wise, reasonable and very anointed heart. May the Lord grant and affirm me to operate with all the...
  5. Vladi777

    I need prayers!

    *I need prayers, Jesus Christ to give me direction, wisdom, support, victory and blessing for every area of my life! I just do not want to determine the course and direction of my life. I want Jesus Christ to be my God and Savior! God knows the struggles, situations and problems! *The Lord...
  6. Vladi777

    I need prayers!

    *I need prayers, Jesus Christ to give me direction, wisdom, support, victory and blessing for every area of my life! I just do not want to determine the course and direction of my life. I want Jesus Christ to be my God and Savior! God knows the struggles, situations and problems! *The Lord...
  7. Vladi777

    I need prayers!

    *I need prayers, Jesus Christ to give me direction, wisdom, support, victory and blessing for every area of my life! I just do not want to determine the course and direction of my life. I want Jesus Christ to be my God and Savior! God knows the struggles, situations and problems! *The Lord...
  8. Vladi777

    I need prayers!

    *I need prayers, Jesus Christ to give me direction, wisdom, support, victory and blessing for every area of my life! I just do not want to determine the course and direction of my life. I want Jesus Christ to be my God and Savior! God knows the struggles, situations and problems! *The Lord...
  9. Vladi777

    I need prayers!

    *I need prayers, Jesus Christ to give me direction, wisdom, support, victory and blessing for every area of my life! I just do not want to determine the course and direction of my life. I want Jesus Christ to be my God and Savior! God knows the struggles, situations and problems! *The Lord...
  10. Vladi777

    I need prayers!

    *I need prayers, Jesus Christ to give me direction, wisdom, support, victory and blessing for every area of my life! I just do not want to determine the course and direction of my life. I want Jesus Christ to be my God and Savior! God knows the struggles, situations and problems! *The Lord...
  11. Vladi777

    I need prayers!

    *I need prayers, Jesus Christ to give me direction, wisdom, support, victory and blessing for every area of my life! I just do not want to determine the course and direction of my life. I want Jesus Christ to be my God and Savior! God knows the struggles, situations and problems! *The Lord...
  12. Vladi777

    I need prayers!

    *I need prayers, Jesus Christ to give me direction, wisdom, support, victory and blessing for every area of my life! I just do not want to determine the course and direction of my life. I want Jesus Christ to be my God and Savior! God knows the struggles, situations and problems! *The Lord...
  13. Articles

    Today's Verse - Romans 6:1 (KJV)

    What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein? —Romans 6:1 (KJV) Thoughts on Today's Verse... Grace doesn't mean that we are sloppy with sin. We have died to sin when we surrendered our lives to...
  14. Vladi777

    I need prayers!

    *I need prayers, Jesus Christ to give me direction, wisdom, support, victory and blessing for every area of my life! I just do not want to determine the course and direction of my life. I want Jesus Christ to be my God and Savior! God knows the struggles, situations and problems! *The Lord...
  15. Vladi777

    I need prayers!

    *I need prayers, Jesus Christ to give me direction, wisdom, support, victory and blessing for every area of my life! I just do not want to determine the course and direction of my life. I want Jesus Christ to be my God and Savior! God knows the struggles, situations and problems! *The Lord...
  16. Vladi777

    I ask for your prayer support!

    *The Lord expands the boundaries, responsibilities, and ministries that I believe He has given me. I ask for your prayer support. Lord God of Glory, to build me up and affirm me to have a humble, wise, reasonable and very anointed heart. May the Lord grant and affirm me to operate with all the...
  17. Vladi777

    I need prayers!

    *I need prayers, Jesus Christ to give me direction, wisdom, support, victory and blessing for every area of my life! I just do not want to determine the course and direction of my life. I want Jesus Christ to be my God and Savior! God knows the struggles, situations and problems! *The Lord...
  18. Vladi777

    I ask for your prayer support!

    *The Lord expands the boundaries, responsibilities, and ministries that I believe He has given me. I ask for your prayer support. Lord God of Glory, to build me up and affirm me to have a humble, wise, reasonable and very anointed heart. May the Lord grant and affirm me to operate with all the...
  19. Vladi777

    I need prayers!

    *I need prayers, Jesus Christ to give me direction, wisdom, support, victory and blessing for every area of my life! I just do not want to determine the course and direction of my life. I want Jesus Christ to be my God and Savior! God knows the struggles, situations and problems! *The Lord...
  20. Articles

    Today's Verse - Philippians 4:7 (KJV)

    And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. —Philippians 4:7 (KJV) Thoughts on Today's Verse... What guards your heart? What protects your mind? Did you know that the peace of God can stand guard over our hearts and minds...
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