Please pray I get a call from Ben regarding claiming the missing monies at the right time today and that Claire sees I need the remaining £25000. Please pray this moves quickly Please pray Claire reports Antonia for fraud
Please pray Antonia’s parents accept that she’s a prostitute,schizophrenic and alcoholic,and find somewhere suitable to put her and the kids. Please pray I am left out of it completely-that her father accepts I did what I could as a friend,but was impacted by her lies.
Please pray xanthe helps Antonia’s parents get custody of her children quickly as her prostitution and drinking is out of control We tried to help but to no avail
Please pray police help me prosecute Antonia and that they feel responsible for ensuring I’m not taken advantage of again. Please pray police prosecute Antonia for benefit and tax fraud and malicious communications about me
Please pray Sibelius,Sibel’s parents,Warren Colman,Sarah Barnes and Antonia are jailed for the attacks made on children and their attempts to cover it up. Please pray police covering are jailed
Please pray police require Antonia to sober up and keep track of childcare-she’s pretending I was her nanny,but failed to turn up. I had a job,but kept every appointment
Please pray council/police accept we are going to need the compensation for our children,and my losses are in the region of £3 million. Please pray they see Sarah and Antonia aren’t fit to bring up children
Please pray I and my relationships/finances are completely protected from Antonia’s lies,scheming,and greed. Please pray she’s eclipsed fully and exposed,and I claim damages
Please pray Antonia is hospitalised and has to deal with her drinking,so her kids can get some proper care with her parents Please pray it’s brought home to her just how far down the path of depravity she went.
Please pray Antonia has the courage to put Sarah,Sibel and Warren in jail and that she helps Galina to get several million pounds in compensation for stalking,slander and personal injury.
Please pray Antonia takes action against Sibel today and realises their family will have to return the funds they owe me. Please pray she is forced to deal with her alcoholism