
  1. AGAPE55

    Lord God help me to surrender my life to you and your will

    Lord I pray that not my will but your will be done in my life and in the lives of my sons Anthony and Christopher. Lord open the door to the closet of my life. Let me see everything that is there. Show me Lord, teach me, help me to surrender everything in my entire life to you. I pray this...
  2. Terhilon

    I cry unto you oh Lord.come rescue ...

    I cry unto you oh Lord.come rescue me hear my humble voice oh Lord..your name will be Praise..Help me oh Lord attend to my casé. Freedom i ask from you oh God..prophet TB Joshua pray on my Behalf Anthony Ndem Ebei please take my casé to the above Father in Heaven..Thank you Jesús.
  3. AGAPE55

    Lord protect my son's always

    Lord I pray that your protection always surrounds my son's Christopher and Anthony everywhere they go. I pray that harm never comes to either one in any way. God you know how much I love my son's but chris is not street smart. There is a lot of danger in the world and I pray that he and Anthony...
  4. Teraslonian

    Please pray Antony and his wife will ...

    Please pray Antony and his wife will leave the area and be forbidden to provide witness statements for Michael. We know they have lied.
  5. Rilrorg

    I humbly request prayers for a big ...

    I humbly request prayers for a big miraculous amount of money to pay our dues in our housing loan for we have not paid any because of the pandemic and irregular income. Lord Jesus, please help us.. we need this in the soonest possible time for nothing is impossible for you oh Lord.. Anthony L...

    My friend Keith and his three boys ...

    My friend Keith and his three boys for more faith in Jesus. Corbin is doing better; you guys prayed for him--he has some mental challenges. Mitzy, Gus, Donna, Tom, Lina, Mia, Aaron, Amy, Karen would come out of Buddhism and accept Jesus. Deeper faith for prayer partners both near and far. God...
  7. AGAPE55

    Lord I pray for my sister's job situation and Anthony's

    Lord God I pray and lift this situation up to you. I asked that you protect my sister and Anthony from any layoffs or terminating of their jobs. Companies are under great financial preasure. Lord I pray they continue to progress. Lord surround them with your hedge of protection in this situation...
  8. AGAPE55

    Lord I pray your protection over my sons always

    Lord I pray that your protection always surrounds my son's Christopher and Anthony everywhere they go. I pray that harm never comes to either one in any way. God you know how much I love my son's but chris is not street smart. There is a lot of danger in the world and I pray that he and Anthony...
  9. Fialoch

    I am Anthony Please join faith with ...

    I am Anthony Please join faith with as we pray for my mother who was diagnosed with breast cancer. Please please she means the world to me as I lost my dad most recently. God bless.
  10. AGAPE55

    Lord lead my son's to their destiny

    God thank you for my son's Anthony and Chris. Lord you have destined all of us for great things. Lead them to their destiny, open the doors that they are suppose to walk through. Bring the people into their lives that they are supposed to meet. Lord your plan is always for the best. God I ask...
  11. AGAPE55

    God protect my sister and my son Anthony and their jobs

    Lord God I pray and lift this situation up to you. I asked that you protect my sister and Anthony from any layoffs or terminating of their jobs. Companies are under great financial preasure. Lord I pray they continue to progress. Lord surround them with your hedge of protection in this...
  12. Moriniraj

    My name is Victory Anthony. I will ...

    My name is Victory Anthony. I will be 43 by October 7th this year 2020. My prayer request is, I ask for only one thing. I desire God to show me mercy and bless me with my own mate, according to His word that I will not lack my mate, I believe God. Am asking for a birthday gift, which is my...
  13. AGAPE55

    Lord lead my son's to their destiny

    God thank you for my son's Anthony and Chris. Lord you have destined all of us for great things. Lead them to their destiny, open the doors that they are suppose to walk through. Bring the people into their lives that they are supposed to meet. Lord your plan is always for the best. God I ask...
  14. AGAPE55

    Lord thank you for the gifts of my sons

    Lord thank you for the gift of my dear son's Anthony and Chris. Thank you for their lives. Watch over them each day. Keep them safe and free from harm as they go about each day. Bless them through life's trials. Help them to choose right from wrong. Let them be great examples standing tall and...
  15. AGAPE55

    Lord renew my son's spirit

    Lord thank you for a rebirth of my son's Anthony's spirit. He lost one eye a few years ago in a vicious attack. He's getting older. Help him to mature and to open his heart to you Lord. That he may seek you above all things and not the things of the world. Fill him with your peace so he is not...
  16. AGAPE55

    Lord I pray your protection over my son's

    Lord I pray that your protection always surrounds my son's Christopher and Anthony everywhere they go. I pray that harm never comes to either one in any way. God you know how much I love my son's but chris is not street smart. There is a lot of danger in the world and I pray that he and Anthony...
  17. AGAPE55

    Lord lead my sons to their destiny

    God thank you for my son's Anthony and Chris. Lord you have destined all of us for great things. Lead them to their destiny, open the doors that they are suppose to walk through. Bring the people into their lives that they are supposed to meet. Lord your plan is always for the best. God I ask...
  18. AGAPE55

    Lord lead my sons to their destiny

    God thank you for my son's Anthony and Chris. Lord you have destined all of us for great things. Lead them to their destiny, open the doors that they are suppose to walk through. Bring the people into their lives that they are supposed to meet. Lord your plan is always for the best. God I ask...
  19. AGAPE55

    Lord I pray your protection over my son's

    Lord I pray that your protection always surrounds my son's Christopher and Anthony everywhere they go. I pray that harm never comes to either one in any way. God you know how much I love my son's but chris is not street smart. There is a lot of danger in the world and I pray that he and Anthony...
  20. AGAPE55

    Lord I pray for your protection over my son's

    Lord I pray that your protection always surrounds my son's Christopher and Anthony everywhere they go. I pray that harm never comes to either one in any way. God you know how much I love my son's but chris is not street smart. There is a lot of danger in the world and I pray that he and Anthony...
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