
  1. Joan504

    Here I go again. Waiting for answers. ...

    Here I go again. Waiting for answers. Stomach in knots. Please let it be positive news from client! Thank you!
  2. SAMV

    December 1st Prayer Requests

    Dear Prayer Warriors, may there still be new blessings in store before this December month and 2020 year come to a close, and may expected answers be on their way! Please pray that God may providentially guide me by showing me His Perfect Plan on a specific sensitive subject. I especially do...
  3. Kulthollyn

    Doctor has found a spot on my ...

    Doctor has found a spot on my right lung. In addition, my gut needs healing. Please pray in earnest for my healing. May Go be glorified in my life. Thank you for your prayers. I look forward to sharing the answers with you.
  4. Sparklee

    So thankful Lord for Your Love and ...

    So thankful Lord for Your Love and a real relationship with You Lord! Today I cast all my burdens on You and trust Your answers. Please Lord grant favor in tasks please grant words are guided by you. Lord please strengthen in in order that all undertakings are completed, able to excel gain...
  5. Anapla

    Praise God for answers to prayers for ...

    Praise God for answers to prayers for unity in ministry through interventions from spiritual leaders. Our core team meets tomorrow noon on Zoom. I prepare my draft of what I need to share on ministry policy and continued efforts give out His Word here with much restrictions. The use of groups...
  6. Anapla

    Praise God for answers to prayers for ...

    Praise God for answers to prayers for unity in ministry through interventions from spiritual leaders. Our core team meets tomorrow noon on Zoom. I prepare my draft of what I need to share on ministry policy and continued efforts give out His Word here with much restrictions. The use of groups...
  7. Amrian

    I want to say how grateful I ...

    I want to say how grateful I am to all who pray for others on this site. I know I will meet you in heaven someday. Until then I will pray for you and ask you to pray for me. I love my brothers and sisters of all nationalities, races, denominations etc. Prayer is a powerful thing. I don't always...
  8. Saraha

    Heavenly Father I am praying for a ...

    Heavenly Father I am praying for a sick friend. You know who she is and what is going on. She wants answers to what is causing her illness. Please Father touch her with your healing hands and heal her in all her needs. Thank you Father for all you do for us. In Jesus Name I Pray Amen. I trust...

    My doctor appt got moved to today ...

    My doctor appt got moved to today at 230. I am asking for prayers that I can get answers, and that its not anything life threatening. Thank you
  10. Anonymous

    Have your Angels charged over us

    My Lord and bring healing and strength so Tired need answers and help Soon w the right knowledgeable people for low or no costs in these repairs form Trusted people. I praise you for bringing all the help in the past, but stop these evil here from doing anymore damage to us Have your Angels...
  11. King's Daughter

    I am stepping out in child-like faith ...

    I am stepping out in child-like faith and belief that the Lord will answer this prayer. I had a vision some time ago of someone writing out a check for a large amount to me. It looked to be the hand of an older woman - not sure who it is. I am losing my place to live, as the home I am renting...
  12. Lirshym

    To get answers if coronary angiogram is ...

    To get answers if coronary angiogram is safe for me to do as Doctors suggested
  13. Nandyl

    Pray for answers and justice.

    Pray for answers and justice.
  14. Yaellour

    Pray for me to trust and believe ...

    Pray for me to trust and believe in the Lord. Pray that he hears, answers and saves me from my enemies. I Pray to stay positive at this time for God's will to be done in my life right now and for Him to be glorified in Jesus name.
  15. Blessings1964

    GOD i don't mind waitinig.

    GOD i don't mind waiting You, know, sometimes in life, situations are going to occur where you may look to the left or the right and you can't find any answers and you can't find anybody to help you but I'm reminded of the Word that says they that wait upon the Lord, He shall renew their...
  16. Saraha

    Heavenly Father I am praying for a ...

    Heavenly Father I am praying for a sick friend. You know who she is and what is going on. She wants answers to what is causing her illness. Please Father touch her with your healing hands and heal her in all her needs. Thank you Father for all you do for us. In Jesus Name I Pray Amen. I trust...
  17. Saraha

    Heavenly Father I am praying for a ...

    Heavenly Father I am praying for a sick friend. You know who she is and what is going on. She wants answers to what is causing her illness. Please Father touch her with your healing hands and heal her in all her needs. Thank you Father for all you do for us. In Jesus Name I Pray Amen. I trust...
  18. faithandhope77

    Praying for answers. Please pray for my ...

    Praying for answers. Please pray for my family as we wait for answers about a job. We are trying so hard to be still and trust Gods timing but my anxiety is getting the better of me. When I feel anxious I pray. When I feel doubtful I pray. I’m so tired. Please lord, please answer our prayers. I...
  19. Oglonian

    Lord touch every prayer request bring answers, ...

    Lord touch every prayer request bring answers, healing, solutions, and Your presence to each one. Let Your fire fall on each heart. Amen 🕊🕊🕊
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