Prayers for Ali, That she will return her mother’s, Angela’s, texts… she has beauty school tomorrow and she doesn’t know if she is sleeping over her house or her dad’s.. Lord please help the communication 🙏🏼
Angella is in need of deliverance, my life has been plagued by demons attacking me in my home especially at nights. I am moving because of the terrible situation am experiencing
Praise report: Ali did well in her first day at beauty school. Prayers for Angela No money, her husband keeps drinking all her money away…. She tried to do taxes and claim half the kids, but she was not able to because she only worked six month last year. The tax person told her it’s best if her...
Angela was able to enroll Alianna ….. but the monthly payments for the school tuition will be expected by Angela to supply.
She doesn’t get enough income
Please pray Alianna’s dad will feel God’s conviction and help pay for it.
For years he doesn’t want to pay child support.
Now that she is...
Prayers for my friend Alsida please…. She said she would write a letter of recommendation for Angela’s daughter Alianna so that she could get a $1000 discount off her tuition…. But she hasn’t written it yet and it’s due tomorrow morning. We were hoping God would make a way to help Angela save...
Please continue to pray for Angela and her financial situation. So much debt. She is working but feels hopeless because it’s only part time and she has 7 kids. Her husband continues to be depressed and drink all the time. Lord have mercy on your daughter Angela🙏🏼
For Angela’s daughter Ali, Not answering texts and tomorrow is her first day at beauty school. Lord please help Ali get more responsible and make better choices. Angela has tried her best🙏🏼to guide her.
For Angela’s husband, getting worse and flirting with other women in her family, always trying to embarrass her, she has tried so many times to figure out how to separate from him, but nothing happens.., he won’t go away Lord please help my sister in Christ and her children 🙏🏼
Prayers for my dad, still in pain from sepsis. Prayers for my students I support, unfocused and disruptive. Prayers for Angela’s husband to stop drinking and get a job.
Hi please pray for my friend Angela, she's having knee pain because of work. She's had several surgeries on that knee. But she can't have another one or out might take her out of work again for 2 years, like before. It's been going on for years, her knee problems. But she needs prayer...
Hello, prayers for Angela, her husband wants to do taxes and be dishonest on them. He just wants extra money for his addictions. Lord please defend Angela and stop her husband from being dishonest. Please Father God🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Hello, prayers for Angela, her husband wants to do taxes and be dishonest on them. He just wants extra money for his addictions. Lord please defend Angela and stop her husband from being dishonest. Please Father God🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Angela and her husband asked their two year old where the keys were, and he led them to a hole in the wall! Praise God the keys are found! Thanks for praying!!! Happy new year!!!
Angela lost her car keys, she’s looked everywhere. Police had to come Open her car door to see if the keys were in the car, nothing in the car. Please pray God shows where they are. It will cost $500 to call a locksmith and she would have to borrow the money from her dad. Please pray God hears...
My childhood friend Angela is the granddaughter of Hitler. She has been attacking me with witchcraft for 3 years. Angela and her family are the devil. I believe the holocaust was real and that it was evil. God you said you would make a way of escape for me in every situation.