
  1. Snowscarf

    Please pray for America and the upcoming ...

    Please pray for America and the upcoming election that we will have a new president one who is honest and faithful and will work for all Americans not just the rich
  2. Snowscarf

    Please pray for America and the upcoming ...

    Please pray for America and the upcoming election we need a president who is going to lead the country and will work for all Americans please pray for my family that they are safe and happy and faithful amen
  3. Snowscarf


    Pray for America and the upcoming election that we will have a safe and fair election and pray that we have a new president one that is honest and faithful and will work for all Americans
  4. Snowscarf


    I pray that we will have a new president one who is honest and faithful and will work for all Americans, we need to have Joe Biden as our president and we need to rid the senate of the corruption the current president has instilled I pray that we can heal from the divide and hatred of the...
  5. Snowscarf


    Please pray for America and the upcoming election that we will have a fair and safe election, I pray that the current president is defeated by Joe Biden we deserve a honest and faithful leader one who will work for all Americans
  6. Snowscarf


    Please pray for America and the upcoming election please oh lord let our next president be honest and faithful we need a president who is a leader not a divider like we currently have, we need a president willing to take this deadly virus seriously and help all Americans to be safe he needs to...
  7. nicholsond36

    My church has started a Canadians pray ...

    My church has started a Canadians pray for Americans group and I would like prayers to be said for all Americans and the whole world at this time...Thankyou so much!
  8. Snowscarf


    I pray for America and the president we need a president who cares about all Americans, one who is honest and faithful and will take this virus seriously please oh lord let Joe Biden become our next president
  9. Snowscarf


    Please pray for America and the upcoming election that we will have a safe honest election and a president who is honest and faithful one that will think about all Americans not just himself
  10. Snowscarf


    I pray that our great nation once again becomes united and faithful in love for all Americans and we all fight satan through prayer and love for Jesus
  11. Spartyroma

    கர்த்தர் எனக்கு அவருக்காய் பாடல் எழுதும் திறமை எனக்கு ...

    கர்த்தர் எனக்கு அவருக்காய் பாடல் எழுதும் திறமை எனக்கு தந்து உள்ளார்.நான் இதுவரை 30 பாட்டு எழுதி உள்ளேன்.அதற்கு இசைக்கருவி வாங்க ஜெபியுங்கள்
  12. Snowscarf


    I pray for peace and unity in America, I pray for a New president who is going to unite this country and work for all Americans not just the rich people I pray for A fair and honest president one who is honest and faithful please pray for Joe Biden to be our next president in Jesus Name Amen
  13. Snowscarf

    Snowscarf said: Oh dear Jesus please help ...

    Snowscarf said: Oh dear Jesus please help America and it’s upcoming election please dear lord we need a honest, faithful president that will truly treat all Americans the same regardless of the color of their skin or their political beliefs
  14. Snowscarf


    Oh dear Jesus please help America and it’s upcoming election please dear lord we need a honest, faithful president that will truly treat all Americans the same regardless of the color of their skin or their political beliefs
  15. Anonymous

    Oh dear Jesus please help America and ...

    Oh dear Jesus please help America and it’s upcoming election please dear lord we need a honest, faithful president that will truly treat all Americans the same regardless of the color of their skin or their political beliefs
  16. Anonymous


    Pray that we have a new president one that is honest and has faith in god and is willing to work for all Americans not just the rich
  17. Intercessor

    Beware Lest What We Fear Comes Upon Us (Job 3:25) -- Repent of Fear (Rev 21:8) and Pray for Boldness (Acts 4:29-31)

    Beware to those who keep silent on the fence out of fear, keeping silent in neutrality at the time of greatest need--pray that what you fear may not come upon you & ask for boldness like in Acts Chapters 2 - 4 and beyond to Stephen and Paul... In The Name of Jesus. ...
  18. rodnorah

    Please help Americans over come the people ...

    Please help Americans over come the people destroying our great history and country
  19. Intercessor

    For A Revival of Biblical Proportions

    “Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy (the falling away, NKJV, the rebellion, ESV, NIV) comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction” (2 Thes 2:3)...
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