Lord please please maje my whoke motablosn please alot alot ally faster in every way now always bless me please lord with alot ally faster motablosn please lord in every way now always please in jesus name please lord remove all every fat please from my whole stomach hips whole body permantly...
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country: united kingdom
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Please please all.pray lord photographes videis selfies are so so very important to me lord they create memories lord your words says ask and I will recieve lord I ask you please please bless me please lird to please please look incredibly beautiful geourgeous stunning very rasysgt sexy titally...
country: united kingdom
evefy filters
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other peoples photographs videos
photographers videos selfies
single part
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youth hair skin appearance
Lord please please bless me please with new the very verh best ever new foundations new very best ever new tinted mostruisers cosmetics all the clothes I desire now please lird abundantjy at really great bargin prices in jesus name please please lord bless me please wuty the most amazing...
Please lord renew restore please my whole beauty and youth health hair skin teeth beauty apperance incredibly in every way now please in jesus name please lord bless me please to please please look 25 years younger than what I really am please lord in every way part of me please now always in...
country: united kingdom
new foundations
new tinted moisturizers cosmetics
self esteem self worth
st great prices
youth health hair skin teeth beauty appearance
Lord photographes videis are very important to me they create memories lord your words say ask and I will recieve I stand on your words lord I ask you please please please bless me please lord to please please look incredibly beautiful geourgeous very stunning very rasyaht titalky amazing...
country: united kingdom
great bargains prices
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mansions villas furniture
mobile phone camera
new foundations
new tinted moisturizers cosmetics
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top class models celebrities
Please please all.pray lord I ask you please please bless me please lord to.plesse please look incredibly beautiful geourgeous stunning very radiaht amazing young youthful healthy in evefh way part of me in all everh single all every photographes all evefy videis selfues snap chats watapp videos...
child health beauty youth appearance hair teeth skin
country: united kingdom
gorgeous stunning
new foundations
new pump bottles
new tubes
radiant amazing young youthful
self esteem
white hair
Please please all pray lird photographes videis are so so very very important to me lord they create memories lord nothing is impossible fif you lord can do all things lord your words say ask and I will recieve lord I stand on your words promises lord i ask you pleaee please bless and please...
Please please all.pray lord photographes videis are so so very important to let lord they create memorys lord I ask you please please bless and make ke please lord incredibly so so very totally amazly so so very photogenic in every single way in every part of ke wuty every single all cameras all...
country: united kingdom
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ke duty
name outshine
other peoples photographs videos
single part
top class models celebrities
whatsapp videos
young youthful
Plesse lord destroy every all critasism please ibe ever had now and plesse return back to senders please rught now in jesus name bo more critasism towards me in any way ever again plesse lord in jesus name I ask you plesse lord bless me me please with the most amazing incredibly compliments...
clothes jewelry
country: united kingdom
great prices
heels makeup foundation
maje ny weight
particular things products items
pure flat tinned stomach desure
self confidence self esteem self
total million dollars
Lotd your words say ask and I will recieve please lord bless me please with alkt ally better mobile phone ally ally better camera mobile phone st verh great price now please without any delay in jesus name lord photographes videos ste so so very important to me lord they create memories lord I...
beauty incredibly radiance confidence
camera mobile phone
country: united kingdom
name photographes videos
other peoples photographs videos
single way part
stunning radiant sexy
total million dollars
young youthful radiant glorious
Lord please please renew restore my whole beauty youth hair stomach health in every way now please lord heal my stomach every part of me in every way now please bless your beauty your glory your radiance your shigina glory lord to please please br apon every single part of me in every way now...
Please please all pray lord please please renew restore my whole beauty youth in every way part of me now please in jesus name please lord bless my wright to please please drop to 8 stone my desired weight right now please without any delay in jesus name lord pleasd bless me please with alot...
country: united kingdom
eveth single part
eveth single way part
face tone videos
gorgeous stunning radiant sexy
pure flat toned stomach desire
single wah part
total million dollars
young youthful radiant glorious place
Lord your wits say ask and i will recieve lord photographes videos are do so very important to me i ask you please please bless make every single part of me please lord incredibly totally amazly so so so very photogenic in every way in every part of me please in all every photographes all every...
country: united kingdom
other people
photographes videos
photographs videos
self confidence
self esteem self worth
sexy astonishing
top class models celebrities
whatsapp videos
Please please all.pray lord yoir words say ask and I will recieve lord photographes videos are so so so very important tobme lord they create memorys lord I ask you please please bless make me please so so so very totally amazly outstandly so so very photogenic in evefh single way in every upset...
country: united kingdom
dress outfits clothes
faith trust
other people
phones cameras
self confidence self esteem
single part
single way part
top class models celebrities
Please please all pray lord yoir word says ask and I will recieve photographes videos are so so very important to me lord they create memories lord I dont want to fear be scared getting my photographes taken being on video call lord take all fear away in jesus bale I ask you please please lord...
anu filters
country: united kingdom
deepest desires
dress clothes outfits
gorgeous stunning sexy radiant striking astounding young youthful
self confidence self esteem
shigina glory
single part
video call
Please please all pray lord your word says ask and I will recieve I stand on your words lord lord photographes videis are so so very important to me lord they create memories lord I dont want to be scared lord fear getting my photographes taken in any way or being on video call I ask you please...
country: united kingdom
ny confidence self esteem self
radiant very glorious sexy outstanding amazing breathing
shigina glory
single part
single way
video call
way area
words photographs videos
Please please all pray lord your words say ask and I will recieve lord I stand on your promise lord photographes videis are important to me I dibt want fear be scared lord getting my photographes taken being on video call lord you can do all things i ask you please lord with all my heart please...
Please please all pray lord photographes videos ate so so very important to me lord they create memorys lord I want to be very confident getting my photographes videis taken being on video call your word says ask and I will recieve lord I ask you please please please bless me please lord to look...
Lord please please increase enlarge my faith trust in you in every way incredibly abundantjy now in jesus name please lord bless me please with all every one of the deepest deepest desires of my heart now please without any delay in jesus name please lord exeed exeed incredibly abubdantly every...
I ask you please lord by your power bless me please lord with the very very best ever new foundations new very best ever new tinted mostruisers all the new cosmetucs I desire tge very very best in every way for my skin with the very very best ever textures colour tines consistency ingredients...
beautiful gorgeous stunning radiant sexy
color tines consistency ingredients formula
country: united kingdom
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