
  1. Tammy444

    Need A fuel pump for my car,I ...

    Need A fuel pump for my car,I know Jesus will help. Asking for prayers I am in my 60's and my hubby and I go to doctors appts alot.and prayers always help.thank you.
  2. Teweamb

    Pray for me man of God, I ...

    Pray for me man of God, I am madina from Kanyanya, i need awell paying job, favor and blessing to go abroad amen
  3. DiFoxx

    Please pray that I can find a ...

    Please pray that I can find a new pain doctor, who can help me with the severe pain I am in
  4. Wylandadh

    too much pain and turmoil

    i don't know what to do now all i can think about is going to hell. these demonic voices are relentless and i cant tell what they are saying in my mind and what im saying - they talk in the first person as though its me saying it - disgusting things like i want to marry satan and kill God. i am...
  5. Imorrund

    Please I need your prayers I am ...

    Please I need your prayers I am emotionally stressed and keeps crying when alone.
  6. Vrisar

    Pray for me for miracles.

    As I go to bed I have a lot on my mind and I pray that Jesus works through so that in the morning I maybe more victorious in all I'm doing. I am praying for a miracle from God today. I have a proposal to ask more time for, debts to clear(very pressing ones), fees to pay, an exam to finish and a...
  7. Ylentyrant

    In my prayer am still calling for ...

    In my prayer am still calling for my destiny helper through this platform,,and cleanensing of sin through the flowing blood of Saviour.join me with a genuine heart and during your time of need, Almighty will raise others on your behalf.
  8. Prayeveryday

    Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Please ...

    Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Please pray for me. It seems like I can be doing so well (all things considered), then I fall flat on my face. I keep forgetting I'm a sinner who has been Saved by the Grace of God through the Blood of Christ. I am what I am, a sinner. Being Born Again...
  9. Anonymous

    God I really need to get some ...

    God I really need to get some sales, I am having my worst month in over a year, I am desparate, I need one today. Please help me get a sate today. I am not doing well if I don't sell I will get beaten badly. I am begging you to help me. I am already Black and blue on my back and my legs are not...
  10. Micseth

    Payer against failure

    Please kindly join me in prayer against failures disappointment at the point of break throughout I under go intense stagnation and disappointment in am strive to make a way out for my self and family
  11. Jesussaves89


    BIG EMERGENCY PRAYER REQUEST!!!!!!!! PLEAS PRAY FOR my grandma who wa sin hospital with severe condition !!!! PLEASE PRAY for her Shes sopposed to be comign todayHELP LORD JESUS DONT ET ANY TRAGEDY HAPPEN TO MY GRANDMA PLEAS IEN TE AM EOF JESUS CHRIST PLEASE their was an accident with a handicap...
  12. Hothdraak

    Prayer for money to pay for our bills..

    Dear Lord, I am praying for a miracle. I don’t have enough money to pay for all of our bills, and we don’t have money to pay for our internet bill, water bill, electricity bill, and our rent. Lord God, I honestly don’t understand why all of our transactions are always cancelled. Those are the...
  13. Raldyne

    Please hear my prayer .🙏🏻. I am ...

    Please hear my prayer .🙏🏻. I am praying for the rain to hold off for my sons wedding tomorrow. Allow them to get the pictures they want and allow the storms to come late that evening. I am lose my faith .. please prove that you are really listening. Bev .
  14. BrotherWoodridge

    He is still shining all around us.

    Tears run down our faces as we face eternity with Jesus. I am undone o Lord. I am lost in Thee alone. That this holy Father who love us with an everlasting love comes to us and fill us with His spirit of love, mercy and compassion. He is showing Himself to everyone who comes before Him with...
  15. Baavy

    I am currently in a very difficult ...

    I am currently in a very difficult situation right now. I need your help. I am stuck and I have no way out. Please pray for me. That my prayer for a miracle will reach the Almighty Father in heaven in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Pray for me that He will hear me. I am so helpless right...
  16. Vishsith

    Hello am Annabel obuya from kenya kindly ...

    Hello am Annabel obuya from kenya kindly I wished to visit you but due to lockdown i can't travel but put me in prayers am astudent having exams
  17. Sowrom

    thanks father this live and great day. ...

    thanks father this live and great day. so sorry to discontinew my prayer i am suffering from my business please prey to almighty father . in the name of jesus amin amin amin
  18. Ylentyrant

    I pray that as God will be ...

    I pray that as God will be going through this platform He come across my prayer request, am praying for total restoration ,I need money , peace and love and wisdom too
  19. Kaffon

    God i just want to say thank ...

    God i just want to say thank you for bringing me out safely from the surgery room. Thanks to all the doctors and nurses and everyone who played a part in my life. Thank you to everyone who prayed and still have me in their prayers. I am very grateful to everyone. I am in my healing process and...
  20. ricb2000

    praying today for a wound that will ...

    praying today for a wound that will not heal ,I have been to doctors and am so tired , the wound isnt healing and now has been on my leg for almost a year , am asking for prayers for a miracle healing in Jesus name.
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