Pray that heal my sacroilliac joint pain gone, inflammation will be disappear, sacrum, lower back facets and also hip joints be aligned to correct alignment. All bone marrow edema and joint errosion be healed. All aligned but not out of joint. I am healed by Jesus' Jesus' name.amen
Pray that God heal me, Ludwig and Iris from injuries and alignment from cervical spine, upper back, lower back, pelvis, SI joints. All facets, joints and disc be aligned to correct alignment.
Pray that we can keep warm n strong with good health in this winter and God heals laxity of ligament in...
Pray that God heals me from the wrong neck manipulation done by a dr. Pray that my Skull, C1 to C8 of my neck be aligned back to correct alignment and no malrotation, no compression to my brain stem, no compression to any nerve and arteries to my brain. All parts of my body will carry proper...
In Jesus' name. Pray that my cervical spine, brain stem be aligned back to correct alignment, no more double vision (left and right), not more fatigue. My eyesight is returned to normal. Pray that no compression on the nerve, arteries, blood vessels, brain stem will carry proper messages from...
Pray for healing of the alignment of neck, lower spinal facets, sacrum, SI joints, hip joints, pubis bone and hip joints. Pray that no more out of place, all bone inflammation, marrow edema be healed in Jesus name. No more osteoarthritis and severe pain. I can sit and stand without pain and...
Pray that God heals my cervical spine ligament injury, C0-C8 be aligned back to correct alignment. Double vision completely gone and both eyes muscle can coordinate and be aligned and all optical nerve be healed and function well I can have 20/20 vision in Jesus' name. No more dizziness and...
Pray that God heals my cervical spine ligament injury, C0-C8 be aligned back to correct alignment. Double vision completely gone and both eyes muscle can coordinate and be aligned and all optical nerve be healed and function well I can have 20/20 vision in Jesus' name. AMEN!
Pray that God heals my cervical spine ligament injury, C0-C8 be aligned back to correct alignment. Double vision completely gone and both eyes muscle can coordinate and be aligned and all optical nerve be healed and function well I can have 20/20 vision in Jesus' name. AMEN!
Prayer request for my brother Anil Jadhav who is undergoing treatment for cancer must get relief from this alignment. May Lord Jesud fulfilled all is dream with monetary gain ND happy throughout life.
Pray for healing of my right SI joint pain and also pelvis, sacrum, lower back and also my knees will aligned back to correct alignment and all injured disc and also ligaments be healed. In Jesus' name. AMEN!
Pray that God heals my neck so that I can turn right with my neck. Pray that the cervical spine and skull and brain steam can align to correct alignment and stable by laxity. No compression to arteries and nerves to my eye, no pain, dizziness and double vision. In Jesus' name. AMEN!
Father God, touch Taj today. Fire of Heaven come down and incinerate everything in his life that is not of You, from You, by You or in alignment with Your will. Jesus said that every plant the Father has not planted is destined to be uprooted. Father, I ask for You to uproot the things in my...
Pray that God heals the ligaments, blood vessels and all kind of nerves around my neck. God heals all injuries, put my neck bone C0 to C8 back to correct Alignment, no blockage to nerve and blood vessel. No more dizziness and blurred vision. In Jesus' name. Amen
Pray that God heals the ligaments, blood vessels and all kind of nerves around my neck. God heals all injuries, put my neck bone back to correct Alignment, no blockage to nerve and blood vessel. No more dizziness and blurred vision. In Jesus' name. Amen
Pray that God heals the ligaments, blood vessels and all kind of nerves around my neck. God heals all injuries, put my neck bone back to correct Alignment, no blockage to nerve and blood vessel. No more dizziness and blurred vision. In Jesus' name. Amen
Pray that God heals the ligaments, blood vessels and all kind of nerves around my neck. God heals all injuries, put my neck bone back to correct Alignment, no blockage to nerve and blood vessel. No more dizziness and blurred vision. In Jesus' name. Amen
Pray that God heals the ligaments, blood vessels and all kind of nerves around my neck. God heals all injuries, put my neck bone back to correct Alignment, no blockage to nerve and blood vessel. No more dizziness and blurred vision. In Jesus' name. Amen