I speak 🗣️ into existence I get my air cleared for my career I easily finish the appointment tmrw for the interview greatly success with great favor no drama tonight with Micheal we get along great 👍 I easily fix the application for the job and don't have drama of any kind with Micheal Aldridge...
Greetings in Jesus name. Please pray for my situation. I have a divorce proceedings hanging in the air. My son need to find a job urgently. My beatiful grand daughter turned to a lesbian relationship. I believe becos of all these negative things happening I seem to have body aches and pains...
I prophecy decree demand command declare my air is cleared my daughter air is cleared Lizzy and Cody have a great relationship now there happy all the time now having the great life they deserve. I have a great new relationship with someone who wants to see me possibly the new person texting me...
I prophecy decree demand command demand declare all weird negative energy is out of my air no one nothing can speak 🗣️ through me anymore let there weird spirit spouses loose power loose verse Deut 28 13 Tailed is there name 📛 when they go to speak through me as I gave my heart and soul to Gods...
I get a sweet 🧁 great person for me that is a good thing I'm attracted to hearts desire Gods will no more being by myselfy married air with me for now on into existence in Jesus name amen amen
you still keep my mom in prayer she not doing to good she still on a ventilator she her lungs is constricted having a hard time put air in and out also she has rsv and she has something in her blood pray for God to heal her lungs also my mom has copd pray for God to heal from the rsv
you still keep my mom in prayer she not doing to good she still on a ventilator she her lungs is constricted having a hard time put air in and out also she has rsv and she has something in her blood pray for God to heal her lungs also my mom has copd pray for God to heal from the rsv
"Therefore I run in such a way as not to run aimlessly; I box in such a way, as to avoid hitting air; but I strictly discipline my body and make it my slave, so that, after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified. (1Corinthians 9:26-27) Thank you for Your Word asking that...
I have my air the weird jealous people cannot speak through me anymore cauldrons die out I get married to someone who loves me for me nor more Grace of mine for the world 🌎 anymore I'm set free from having absolutely no energy that I have achieved forever. The light blinking at Galt high is...
Dear Lord, I pray that you will sustain me just as you sustain the birds. In Matthew 6:26, you said “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” I ask that you help my family to...
Let this vehicle stop polluting the air.
Please no cars or any other vehicles under my bacony, window, or in the area keep their engine on more then 2 minutes in Jesus name.
He is here for 15 min at least.
We shall rise up and be with the Lord forever. He clearly said. I am alive forever more. He is waiting for you and for me at the gates of heaven.
Do not stand on any grave and weep.
All the saints of God will arise.
They will hear a voice coming from heaven.
The graves will open up...
Please remove Shaleen Freeman Wolfinger she has no ones mojo soul attraction 🧲 and remove weird Sharon Boyd Richard BOYD everyone in my air no one is following me with weird intentions. I get a great place to park my SUV and my lawyer accepts finishing the case in payments due to my horrific...
country: united states
great place
horrific circumstances
mojo soul attraction
name amen
shaleen freeman wolfinger
weird intentions
weird sharon boyd richard boyd
Well father I guess you had different plans for kizy she's gone now but healed in his way I guess. Poor dog yesterday or the day before since yesterday was when she began to be bad but the day before she was just like normal then all of a sudden gasping for air and seizers… needless to say I...
Please pray that the air will not be polluted.
Its from chimneys or from burning something bad.
I just came home from another city, and the air is really bad.
My air that is my own is free from weird lies and weird people demons in it. Justin Khan easily hears me and I can easily hear him he easily clears my air that anyone illegally is in his soldier in him today is stronger then ever to know his beard is great for a reason. Then he realizes my name...
Please pray who keeps speaking 🗣️ in my air pretending to be me my kids everyone near me is brought to GOD ALMIGHTY the universe even the Muslims indians to stop doors close of extreme killing witchcraft on my life and innocents the weird tormenting poverty blocking locking cursing is stopped...