Hello, please pray fir God to make my face beautiful abs help me to lose weight fast also for the situation with Aiden to change and get better for all of us thank you
Hello, please pray fir God to heal me from stress and anxiety and feelings of being overwhelmed at home and at school meetings concerning Roxann and Aiden
Hello, please pray fir healing fir Cade fir his heart and brain from seizures and strokes and mental disorders also healing fir Aiden from mental disorders
Hello, please pray fir hea abs salvation abs deliverance fir Roxann and Diane and Aiden today also that they couldn’t hurt us anymore by trying to break up my marriage abs my family
Hello, please pray fir sorcery and witchcraft to stop against me abs my family today and for no more spells or voodoo put on my family please ask God to let Roxann and Aiden know that they can’t hurt us with witchcraft anymore also all spells of competition to be taken off immediately
Hello, please pray fir the witchcraft spells to be removed off of our car and our house abs at our jobs today also that Roxann can’t use Aiden to come in between Shawn and i anymore
Hello, please pray fir Aiden and Roxann and Diane to stop coming inbetween Shawn and I and to stop causing problems at the schools for us and spreading lies and gossip to stop abruptly
Hello, please pray fir God to heal my heart and my husband so he can know how to act at school meeetings for Aiden and so he won’t tell Roxann personal information about our lives
Hello, please pray fir healing and salvation abs deliverance fir Roxann and Aiden also that God wouldn’t allow them to put anymore witchcraft spells on me or my family