
  1. Arthur

    I shall worship the Lord for ages ...

    I shall worship the Lord for ages to come and adore His name while I am in heaven above. I am preparing myself to enter into His glorious presence and adore His holy name. I dreamed I was in in the middle of angels in heaven who were praising and adoring His holy name. Lamb of God be...
  2. Dawhwil

    The wife and I need your prayers. ...

    The wife and I need your prayers. We have both been looking for jobs for 2 months now. Pray that our ages do not affect us being hired by those doing the hiring. It seems the older you get the harder anyone wants to hire no matter how good you are. So we ask for your prayers they not look at our...
  3. Stuart

    If we want to enter heaven and ...

    If we want to enter heaven and be with Jesus for ages to come, then, we should believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved, be baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit of God so we will be able to live a holy and pure life in the sight of God. Jesus opened the door of heaven so we can enter...
  4. Zellner

    There is no one else like You ...

    There is no one else like You o Lord my God. I love You with all of my heart today and will love You for ages to come. You have done great things for all my family, my friends and those I have been praying for. The Spirit of the Lord will touch those we pray and ask for mercy. Call unto...
  5. Tricia

    Holy are You o Lord. Angels in ...

    Holy are You o Lord. Angels in heaven praise and adore Your name. Day and night calling on the Lord, wonders of wonder, Jesus revealing Himself to those who believe, trust and wait. Praises shall be unto Him for ages to come. Please pray for me to continue to love Jesus, singing praises to Him...
  6. Nithwax

    Oh lord God almighty please give me ...

    Oh lord God almighty please give me and my husband a better job, my help in ages speed our relocation process. Amen
  7. Ensenham

    You are here o Lord and we ...

    You are here o Lord and we worship You in spirit and in truth. Waymaker, miracle worker, promise keeper, Light in the darkness, my God that is Who Your are. We love You today and will love You for ages to come. Please fill is with Thy Spirit of love and mercy, help us to share the Lord with all...
  8. Tanner

    Breath upon all of us breath of ...

    Breath upon all of us breath of God and fill us with Thy Spirit of mercy, compassion and care for lost souls of the world. We need You today and will need You forever. Come Holy Spiritt and fill us with Thyself today and for ages to come. In Jesus name. Amen
  9. Anonymous

    We are praying to secure a property ...

    We are praying to secure a property for ages praying almost everyday. We always miss out by a few $$$. I pray that we secure a beautiful home soon. I pray and rebuke any evil eye or evil spirit that may be stopping our progress in the name of lord Jesus. I pray that our prayers be answered and...
  10. Niolage

    By God’s grace , yesterday we shifted ...

    By God’s grace , yesterday we shifted into a new home . Me and my husband had been praying for a better home for ages . This home is so bright and nice . Thank and praise the lord . Please pray that God helps us live in peace harmony and joy . Please pray that all my fears and insecurities would...
  11. sharonjoan

    great grandaughter age 5 needs our prayers ...

    great grandaughter age 5 needs our prayers the boys in her class are bullying her and seems like it not being fixed so now she not want to go to school this is on going every wheres at all ages such shame it still going on so pray with us all that school will help this 5 year old out to make it...
  12. Anonymous

    Our Father in Heaven The Holy Spirit will ...

    Our Father in Heaven that dost hear our prayers that has been faithful thru the ages that The Holy Spirit will move in the situation of the little one Our counselor will do His mighty work Thank you our God the one and only true living God You can stop the enemy from the destruction isolation...
  13. Motherangelica

    Jesus alone is beyond description.

    All we have to do is to bow down before His holy presence and adore Him for ages to come. We cannot describe Him, His love and mercy is beyond description. Jesus, my Lord and Savior.... You are beautiful beyond description. Too marvelous for words. Too wonderful for comprehention. Like...
  14. SisterEvelynn

    The eternal words of God written down on the wall.

    Mene, mene, tekel, upashin. Gods words we see on the wall to make us all aware of His holy presence and then bow down before Him and adore Him for ages to come. He will send blessings, help and healing, but if we are not walking in His steps and not doing His will, judgment shall come. Thy...
  15. MotherMercy

    What should be the deepest desire of our heart?

    To be with the Lord for ages to come and to enjoy His holy presence along with millions of angels in glory and all the saints, the prophets and disciples of God. In the mean time, we should desire to be with the Lord right here on earth. Holy Spirit flow through me. And make my life what it...
  16. Fraserr

    Why should we seek the Lord?

    Because we live an empty life, loneliness, unhappiness, joyless existence makes our life so miserable. Come upon us o Breath of God, come Spirit of the living God. We need You today and will need You forever. I kneel through Your Spirit. Walk in my heart today. Jesus I come to You. I adore...
  17. Antonn

    Jesus will never leave alone those who love Him.

    He word is clearly heard from ages past to the future of our existence. He said. I will never leave you nor forsake you. Yes, Jesus will forever be with us, even when we have our last breath on our nose, Jesus will take us all home to heaven. Praise His name now and forever more. Amen
  18. Edwards

    When others refuse to come to church and be saved.

    Continue to pray, continue to fast for salvation cometh from the Lord. We cannot force anyone coming to Gods holy presence, but we can ask the Lord to touch the harden hearts of those we love and care. For sure, we do not want them to end down in hells burning fire for ages to come. We want...
  19. Zoe

    Requesting prayers that I will be ready ...

    Requesting prayers that I will be ready to see Jesus face to face in the Rapture which shall come sooner than we think. Pray that I will be praising and adoring His holy name. Hallelujah, praise our dear Savior and Lord. Adore His holy name. As He comes in a cloud in majesty and great glory, let...
  20. Kronenberg

    Make us all a blessing to everyone ...

    Make us all a blessing to everyone who will come to our home and visit with us. May Jesus touch their hearts and minds as they hear the coming of the Lord to save us from going to hell and burning there for ages to come. O Lord, make me a blessing to everyone I pray. Amen
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