Please continue to pray for Angela. She has been successfully pumping her milk for her preterm baby boy. However her Afib and heart palpitations are occurring more than usual during the milk production. She doesn’t want to stop pumping her milk. But she feels she is suffering. Please pray the...
I’m asking for Prayers for my brother Roman. He was in the hospital with AFib a few weeks ago but he has been taken back today because of new issues that maybe heart related.
Please join me in lifting him up to our Heavenly Father for healing. We know our God is Mighty to save and that his...
My dad Stephen is having a heart procedure coming up in about a week. He found out his AFIB came back after like 7 years since the last time he had the same issue. Please pray for his health and that he would make it through and past the procedure! Please also pray for his salvation! Thank you...
Pray the afib cokes back. It was the only thing that made him sober. It went away and came back first deink and he recognized it. We got better our marriage was great. Now he is drinking all the time again and afib isn’t coming back. It needs to. He has got to see the damage to himself in order...
Please pray my husband who is an alcoholic Goes back into afib. It happened last time I prayed because he drank and things have gotten really good between us but he is at it again thinking he is fine and I need it to happen tonight. I need it to scare him. I don’t want him hurt. I just want this...
I have an appt this wed Jan 27th with the cardiologist I am praying that they will tell me I do not have afib and I can go off the eliquis. And I am praying that my oxygen levels get back to normal. So I do not have to be on oxygen. Covid has caused all of this. I am also asking for prayers for...
I am praying I get better from covid. I pray my oxygen level gets better so I do not need to be on oxygen. And I pray the afib is cured. Andxpraying my granddaughter continues to improve
we had too call 911 for my dad because he was confused and walking slow we don't it because it covid or because it might be his hydrocephalus we don't know what it is pray for God to heal him and keep him safe also keep my mom in prayer she vary worry and still have high blood pressure and she...
thank you for all the prayers for my mom she back home she still not well she is still weak her blood pressure is high and she has has afib just pray for God to heal from her afib and get her blood pressure back to normal and get her strength and energy back