
  1. WingsofaDove

    A friend with health problem, living accomodations ...

    A friend with health problem, living accomodations to be happy.
  2. Dinthad

    I need my accommodations to take my ...

    I need my accommodations to take my standardized test- including paper/pencil and 100% extra time. I also need to be disciplined in studying, have a good attitude, and let go of resentment. PLEASE HELP! Need to do well, need to ace this exam.
  3. Dinthad

    I need my accommodations to take my ...

    I need my accommodations to take my standardized test- including paper/pencil and 100% extra time. I also need to be disciplined in studying, have a good attitude, and let go of resentment. PLEASE HELP! Need to do well, need to ace this exam.
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