
  1. Anonymous

    Please help me to be self confidence and ability to speak boldly in public cos am always shy and feel embarrassed when asked questions couldn't answer

    Please help me to be self confidence and ability to speak boldly in public cos am always shy and feel embarrassed when asked questions couldn't answer
  2. Anonymous

    Total healing from covid symptoms

    I ask for total healing from any and every covid-like symptom in Jesus name and for ability to test negative today or tomorrow. I ask for wisdom on what to do step by step to recover above and beyond, iJn
  3. JesusourLordandSavior

    Praying Heavenly Father for your continued guidance, ...

    Praying Heavenly Father for your continued guidance, and protection. Please grant me strength Father and the ability to face all that I face throughout the day. I thank you Father for all the help you are giving me. Please deliver from the attacks Father and guide me to freedom from this. I...
  4. Numilal

    Cheryl’s healing

    Thank You Jesus. Holy Spirit please heal my sister Cheryl. Please pray for her complete healing, arms that hurt, her ability to walk and lose weight in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
  5. Numilal

    Holy Spirit please continue to heal my ...

    Holy Spirit please continue to heal my sister Cheryl. Heal her weight issues and her ability to walk in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
  6. Numilal

    Holy Spirit please continue to heal my ...

    Holy Spirit please continue to heal my sister Cheryl. Heal her weight issues and her ability to walk in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
  7. Anonymous

    Blessed time off

    Dear Lord I ask you help me make the most of my day off today. I pray that work would continue to give me two days off in a row so I can get physical therapy done on my shoulder and that you heal my shoulder. I also asked for the ability to relax and get my computer working better possibly a...
  8. Janethh

    As Your presence now fills this place.

    This ability of God to be present in the middle of a great or small crowds is heavenly as you practice gratitude, give God the credit of every single blessings He sends your way. Recognize on a daily basis how God is speaking down to your soul and wants you to be just like He is. Thou o Lord...
  9. Ilmaraeliamb

    Dear God, I continue to ask that ...

    Dear God, I continue to ask that you intervene on this housing situation that I am facing. It is effecting my ability to move forward in the goals I had for my family in getting into the new apartment and bringing us all peace, away from negative, difficult individuals. Moving would not only...
  10. Bekisonloss

    Please pray for healing for friend's dog

    Hello everyone, I have a friend whose dog is not doing so well. His dog has lost ability to move her back legs. She also seems to have infections from time to time. Please pray that his dog for healing of legs and could regain her movement of her back legs. I would also like to ask for...
  11. Anagniosyne

    Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for another ...

    Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for another day. Thank you for the ability to learn and grow as a person. I am sorry I did not strive as hard as I could, for the many years I could have. I love to learn and I love to be a better person, but did this at a slow pace. Now I’m ready and willing to...
  12. Numilal

    Holy Spirit thank You for healing my ...

    Holy Spirit thank You for healing my sister. Holy Spirit thank You for letting us find the booster for Cheryl. Holy Spirit thank You for healing her ability to walk in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
  13. Anagniosyne

    Dear Lord, thank you for your help ...

    Dear Lord, thank you for your help on being focused for my new course. Help me to learn so much and my mind grasp and recall and utilize what I learn. Help me to stay focused and motivated in what I must do. Please do not allow distractions, satan and his demons, or anyone or thing else to...
  14. Anagniosyne

    Dear Lord, help me. You have given ...

    Dear Lord, help me. You have given me peace about a new direction to go in. Make this way advantageous for me and my family. Give me the ability to comprehend quickly, to become proficient. Please help my mind to grasp it and it’s concepts and see it even beyond the ability of most people. Help...
  15. Nenglari

    Pls pray for little Rithesh for his ...

    Pls pray for little Rithesh for his ability to talk and also to drive away all mischievous act from him. Some are very dangerous.
  16. Valrise

    Prayer for our Religious Sisters

    What a wonderful thing they have chosen a religious life, to love the Lord and their brothers and sisters, as they guide us with tender love and care to teach help the sick and the poor. To spread throughout the world the love of God. Give them the strength as they have said yes to God, and the...
  17. Anonymous

    Because of life's struggles, it seems I ...

    Because of life's struggles, it seems I couldn't really focus on my purpose of living on earth. Pls help pray for me to think from heaven perspective with faith. Be able to understand God more and His will, and ability to carry out His will. Thank you and God bless you all.
  18. Anonymous

    Thanks for refreshment, skill 6pm-3am

    Slept about 10 last night — thank you Lord; praying to start getting 2-3 days off in a row, for ability beyond my own, and for guests to order delicious food, have memorable experiences and leave 5 star reviews, iJn 🙏🏼 Oh yes, for favor and to stay healthy : )
  19. Numilal

    Holy Spirit thank You for healing Cheryl’s ...

    Holy Spirit thank You for healing Cheryl’s legs and healing her body and ability to walk in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
  20. Numilal

    Holy Spirit thank You for healing Cheryl’s ...

    Holy Spirit thank You for healing Cheryl’s legs and healing her body and ability to walk in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
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