Please pray for my daughter to do well on her government test today. Also, please pray for her AP Calculus test tomorrow. Pray that she has wisdom and can focus. Finally, please pray for her as she presents at a STEM symposium competition on Friday. Pray for her ability to articulate her ideas...
Please give me the strength and ability to handle it if I don’t make it. I’m very anxious and nervous about where my life is going. Please ask for a specific direction and guidance on what to do.
Please give me the strength to handle whatever happens. Give me the ability to accept and have other options. Give me a peace of mind about marriage and where my life is going.
Heavenly I thank u this morning. Plz cleanse me if all unrighteousness and pls forgive me of all sins. Pls help me so I will fast till tomorrow at 8. Plz so I will have ability to go out and come back. Plz show me if it's your will I stay in this city or move to slaton next month. Plz so I will...
Please pray for our daughter, Gretchen who's 24 years old and has a connective tissue disorder that affects her ability to eat and affects her joints and causes them to be very loose. She has a curve in her back and i an un stable neck. Kitchen needs physical, spiritual and mental health...
My child is suffering from ongoing sadness and health issues. It is affecting their ability to attend school. Please help them to choose to go to school. Please give my spouse and I the wisdom we need to help them. Do we be tough on them and insist? That doesn't seem to work and results in tears...
Father thank you for answering my prayer conserning her protection and ability to set and keep good boundaries. She told me yesterday how she told her acquitance that she is not drinking anymore. She also refused to take beer when offered to her when I was present. Father thank you for this and...
Pray that my health goes back to normal and that no more stress affects my ability to live healthy and cause issues. Heal my body of all pain and infections quickly so I can give my best again without the added stress and pain. Pray that my worries are taken care of and my heart is at ease as I...
Thank You for the gift of forgiveness. Thank You for teaching in Your Word and ability to make the decision to forgive. Please strengthen all who make this decision no matter how many times it takes as pain lingers and reminders of wrongs remain, please let Your forgiveness of our sins be at the...
As I prepare to face the exam tomorrow On 22nd Nov 2022, I ask for Your divine mercy and grace to be on me. Bless my efforts, please remove all the distractions from me and help me to concentrate well during my preparations/Exam. Help me to remain focused and calm, confident in the facts and in...
Please pray for my son! He is two and is running a fever . Please pray for his wellness and ability to fight off whatever his body is experiencing god bless
Dear Lord, thank you for Sunday’s off. I ask for ability to watch an online sermon, give and please stretch the weekend out today and tomorrow. Help me get to the beach and the gym, iJn
Please pray for my father. The doctors say that he has a brain tumor and will not recover. Please pray for God’s healing. Please give thanks that God is destroying the tumor at the root. Please give thanks that his memory and ability to communicate will be completely restored.
Lord please explain clearly ot me Hoyl spirit what oyu want me to do and giv eme the ability and power to do it thank you Lord. i pray this for allpeople. Lead us with your HOly spirit. help me actually knwo oyu Lord.thanky ou. ALll glory to You LOrd Jesus Christ
Hello, have an interview shortly, and I ask for good interview skills, for favor, for ability to ask good questions and give great answers. Favor as a shield, in Jesus' Name
Dear Father, help my daughter to excel on her AP Calculus quiz. Give her confidence and the ability to focus. Help her tutoring sessions to pay off so that she will believe she can do this!
Please pray for more humility for David. Please pray that he will have an increased ability to hear the word of the Lord. Please pray for his healing so he will stop his harmful ways. Thank you in Jesus name amen