abba father

  1. noronha

    Peace in Ukraine

    Abba Father, I pray for the situation in Ukraine. Please work wonders in this place Lord and restore peace in Ukraine. Forgive your people Lord and save them and rescue them. Please take control of their situation Lord and let Your mighty Hand prevail. I pray for this in Jesus name.
  2. fathadolli

    Aba Father, I surrender all that concerns ...

    Aba Father, I surrender all that concerns me today to your care. Take absolute control of everything that concerns me in Jesus mighty name I prayed
  3. Anonymous

    My Prayer Intentions: (1) Lord Jesus, I'm ...

    My Prayer Intentions: (1) Lord Jesus, I'm in serious financial problems. I need urgently financial breakthrough. Pls help me to settle my land case to be able to pay off my debts. (2) Lord thank you, I received positive response from David Freedom. But Lord pls remove all obstacles that are...
  4. Anonymous

    Thankyou Abba Father for your blessings today ...

    Thankyou Abba Father for your blessings today In Jesus Mighty Name Amen
  5. Mewulli

    Abba Father, today we cry out in ...

    Abba Father, today we cry out in thankfulness as you have delivered us from and protected us through the many storms of a life lived for you. We pray in Jesus name that you continue to restore this broken marriage, that your loving nature pierce our hearts and draw us closer together and to you...
  6. Deepa Fernandes

    Praise the Lord! Thank you Jesus .my ...

    Praise the Lord! Thank you Jesus .my husband Sebastian is healed . thank you Abba Father,for restoring his health. Thank you all brothers and sisters praying for us
  7. notforsaken

    Abba Father my daughter needs a new ...

    Abba Father my daughter needs a new job as the company she works for is not doing well and the pressure on her is too much. Please give her the strength to continue and let her know you already have the answer. Lead her to the right job as she is applying for a bew job, give directio, give her...
  8. fathadolli

    Aba Father, I beseech thee today and ...

    Aba Father, I beseech thee today and always.. Please see me through all the ordeals
  9. Articles

    Today's Verse - 1 John 4:11-12 (KJV)

    Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another. No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us. —1 John 4:11-12 (KJV) Thoughts on Today's Verse... Can you imagine what an honor it is to have the Creator of the...
  10. AGAPE55

    Lord I pray for a rebirth of my son Anthony spirit

    Abba Father, I pray that this year will be a time of transition for my son Anthony. May he repent and turn away from all activities and friends that have brought unhappiness and strife to him. May he turn toward You and living a life sold out to You. May he love and serve You with all his heart...
  11. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Asking Prayer for a very calm & organized day with the sweetest peace of mind as i finish up all paper-work & any errands that need to be done Amen.

    Father In Jesus's Name May this whole day and all of my efforts be ordered by You Blessed Trinity May i accomplish what i need to finish up this afternoon with a beautiful calmness & soo much peace of mind Thank-you for leading and guiding me one step at a time Please crown all of my...
  12. Rithalla

    Abba father heal your son, jefferson in ...

    Abba father heal your son, jefferson in body, soul and mind. Let him be at peace with himself and others, specially me his wife Cynthia. Cool his temper.
  13. Anonymous

    Hallelujah, our God reigns over every demonic ...

    Hallelujah, our God reigns over every demonic strategy that may come our way! Learning to stand firm in the midst of the trials! Expecting God to do miracle signs and wonders. First Jessica needs a miracle in her faith and her body. I fear 😧 she might not be in Christ like she may be believe...
  14. AGAPE55

    Lord I pray for the rebirth of my son Anthony's spirit

    Abba Father, as my son Anthony celebrated his birthday this weekend, I pray that this year will be a time of transition for him. May he repent and turn away from all activities and friends that have brought unhappiness and strife to him. May he turn toward You and living a life sold out to You...
  15. Roxosse

    Thanks giving for establishing my business and prayer Supernatural ideas, creativity and innovation

    Lord my God I thank you for bringing Joshcouture the business you've given me into existence, providing everything lord I'm so grateful I return all glory to you. Oh my Heavenly father the divine idea, skills, crafts, creativity, innovation, knowledge, wisdom and understanding needed to run...
  16. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    I Ask For Prayer For Peace Of Mind To Be Able To Concentrate & Focus On Important Paper-Work That I Hope To Fully Complete Today In Jesus's Name Amen.

    Dear Heavenly Father You know me better then i even know myself You understand the stress that i am under because of uncertain matters that have been troubling me for awhile now I ask you to take all of my concerns & fears into Your 2 Hands Bring me comfort with peace & rest for my weary mind...
  17. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    I Ask For Prayer For Peace Of Mind To Be Able To Concentrate & Focus On Important Paper-Work That I Hope To Fully Complete Today In Jesus's Name Amen.

    Dear Heavenly Father You know me better then i even know myself You understand the stress that i am under because of uncertain matters that have been troubling me for awhile now I ask you to take all of my concerns & fears into Your 2 Hands Bring me comfort with peace & rest for my weary mind...
  18. fathadolli

    Aba Father, I give you all the ...

    Aba Father, I give you all the glory for being there for me and my household, Lord continue to protect me at work, at home, on the road, and in all activities. let your mercy and grace in abundance continue to be mine in Jesus name
  19. notforsaken

    Abba Father am tired, weary, I need ...

    Abba Father am tired, weary, I need you to stregthen me, I need you to hold me, carry me. I need you guide my steps and provide for me. Bless me financially Father so I can bless my mom and others. Thank You. In Jesus name Amen
  20. Pwarfalys

    Abba father thank you for your grace ...

    Abba father thank you for your grace and mercy once again. God please my humble request on the altar of fire is the fruit of the womb, please, pastor Jerry, pray for me for God to bless me with a set of twins on this altar of fire. I joined NSPPD last year November 2021 and God almighty had been...
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