abba father

  1. Anonymous

    Abba Father in Heaven in you nothing ...

    Abba Father in Heaven in you nothing is impossible..You created all things on the universe, the heaven and the earth. God i earnestly seek you to please send forth your great mercy and love and miracles Lord God and come to my rescue. I am in great need of $4,000 which will surely set me free...
  2. Articles

    Today's Verse - Psalm 107:31 (KJV)

    Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men! —Psalm 107:31 (KJV) Thoughts on Today's Verse... I'm not sure I can fully comprehend "unfailing love." To always do the loving thing, whether discipline or reward, fun or pain, I'm not sure...
  3. Mesrea

    Abba Father I pray for For my ...

    Abba Father I pray for For my friend’s 4 months old baby who has a hole in the heart. You are the healer of all sickness and diseases. Heal her completely. Amen I also pray for my cousin who just lost her husband to the cold hands of death, I pray you console her and give her strength and all...
  4. Anonymous

    Abba Father, I'm plagued by anxieties with ...

    Abba Father, I'm plagued by anxieties with no apparent source. I'm waking up daily in fear and worried, this is not what you want in my life. Please calm my heart and give me peace. Help me identify what is causing this uneasiness and stress, and grant me your miracles to resolve the issues...
  5. Russorerea

    Terminal disease

    Abba Father please restore my damage spinal cord 2)heal the pain in my mother's ñeck and restore her complete 3) open my sister ify ebgbo womb to consive twins of boys 4) Lord the father that can not fail let your words of profesy come to pass in my life 5) restore every dry Bone in my life 6)...
  6. Bainwach

    Ohh Abba Father thank u for all ...

    Ohh Abba Father thank u for all Ur blessings and kindness upon my life and family,Lord show me mercy and let me test positive for pregnancy this month of May with twin babies,let every form of miscarriage and still birth comes to an end in my life,let me carry these babies till full term and...
  7. Carols

    Giving thanks to all the prayer members ...

    Giving thanks to all the prayer members of this site.n this prayer request site for my prayer request has been answered. On Monday I posted here that my Father lost his ATM card..where it fell had no idea, today after 5dys my father got he's ATM card back. One of relative came n gave the ATM...
  8. Slymar

    My Abba Father, thanksgiving and gratitude Im ...

    My Abba Father, thanksgiving and gratitude Im reminded that you are not only my Savior, but you sing over your children! Your word says we do not fight against flesh and blood but principalities, rulers in the air! Destroy the enemies schemes, give us specific instructions on putting on keeping...
  9. Shyfvan

    Please pray for Fiona Barretto to get ...

    Please pray for Fiona Barretto to get a good job in Dubai. Abba Father open the doors of job opportunities for Fiona. We are going through financial crisis.
  10. Slymar

    Abba Father, who reigns ! Let your ...

    Abba Father, who reigns ! Let your people walk in Holy Ghost power!
  11. Anonymous

    thank you aba father

    Thank you Aba Father for blessing us this beautiful day with our family. We place our lives our families our work place our schools our babysitting our bosses on to ur holy feet, lead us guide us bless us to do Gods holy will. We place all our thoughts our action on to ur feet, let ur holy will...
  12. notforsaken

    I need my ABBA Father to provide ...

    I need my ABBA Father to provide my full rent money for me by Friday this week. Amen
  13. Janamas

    Please pray my brothers and sisters in ...

    Please pray my brothers and sisters in Christ that I'm seriously going through financial problems Jesus help me I need your help my lord without your I'm noththing lord. My husband is also jobless and is waiting for a call for a job please lord have mercy on us.answer my prayers according to...
  14. notforsaken

    Father please bless me with 2500.00 to ...

    Father please bless me with 2500.00 to pay my rent and bills by this weekend. Abba Father I am so mentally exhausted. All of the lies against me and attacks Father help me. Let me not be ashamed, let not mine enemies triumph over me. Amen
  15. Questomar

    Abba Father, I prayed for Leonida Sablad ...

    Abba Father, I prayed for Leonida Sablad healing, pls help her not so suffer like what my father been through when he is still alive..Pls make her strong in faith with you..I pray this through your son Jesus, Amen.
  16. Gaedolen

    God please bless my business, Lord am ...

    God please bless my business, Lord am praying for more people in my business more pv more registration in Jesus name ...Abba father I want to become director and E/director in My business/company in Jesus name ...God I pray for my own husband dis year.
  17. Iland

    God bless me maritally this year by ...

    God bless me maritally this year by your mercy and let every mediocrity end. Abba Father, destroy every curse, spells and enchantments operating in my life.
  18. Articles

    Today's Verse - Psalm 55:16-17 (KJV)

    As for me, I will call upon God; and the LORD shall save me. Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud: and he shall hear my voice. —Psalm 55:16-17 (KJV) Thoughts on Today's Verse... Wow, this Psalm of confidence in God suddenly has a much more powerful ring to it after...
  19. Fyrbir

    Father in the name of Jesus Christ, ...

    Father in the name of Jesus Christ, show me mercy and weep every sting of sin in my life that will stand as an accusation to my destiny. Lord Jesus Christ you defeated the devil 2000yrs and say to my soul that it's finished. Abba father let every satanic stagnation be over in my life. Every...
  20. notforsaken

    Just had to testify that God gave ...

    Just had to testify that God gave me favor today and I was able to borrow money to pay my rent. I still have 3 bills overdue and up for collections on Monday am believing my abba Father for the funds to supply all my needs according to His riches in Glory. Amen Hallelujah
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