Lord Jesus I thank you because you are God sweet holy spirit of God change my genotype and my fiancee (ojen gift) genotype from AS TO AA IN the might name of Jesus
I want God to change my genotype from As to AA and I want God to give me a happy home . I also want God to make my scholarship for Masters come through and I want my business to flourish
Hello pastor Jerry eze. Please pray for my son genotype to change from SS to AA and for his father to connect with his son just as a loving father should to his son.
Pls brethren,pray for me and my family genotype to be Change to AA,elnathan and Ephraim genotype to be Change from ss to AA and I pray my genotype to be Change from AS to AA,what God cannot do,does not exist
I need a prayer over my genotype I want God interventions Have did several test 8th test but still the same Pls for the sake of Christ help me with prayer 🙏🙏 I want to change my Genotype to AA
Pls prophet Jerry,pray for me my family is tearing apart,pls pray for me for a change of genotype in my children from SS to AA,and my genotype to be Change from AS to AA,for what God cannot do,does not exists.
O lord ,pls hear my cry and change my genotype from AS to AA and change my children genotype from SS to AA,(Ephraim and elnathan)I am in a situation were I cannot help my self lord,pls help me and make me a happy mother again,what God cannot do does not exist.
Oh God of prophet Jerry eze,pls I pray for a change of genotype in my life and in the life of my children,I pray that my genotype should be change from AS to AA and my children Ephraim and elnathan adeshola to be change to AA,what GOD can not do does not exist.
Oh God of prophet Jerry eze,pls change my genotype from AS to AA and my children gynotype(ephriam and elnathan adeshola)genotype from SS to AA,what God cannot do does not exist.Thank u lord because I know u will answer my prayers
i want u to change my genotype from As to AA and my husband to be from As to AA., also let our faith be strong enough to carry us through this jounery we are going into. Father Let ur present go with us.
Pray for my 3 children, Angel, Jedidiah and Stephany who were diagnosed with sickle cell anemia. I want you to help me believe God to reverse their conditions from SS to AA in Jesus name. Peter, Kenya
My wedding that is meant to be on the 17 of April is been threatened.my gynotype use to be AA but prior after the payment of bride price it's now AS and my husband is AS.please join me that the devices of the enemy won't stand and my gynotype should be changed back to AA