My 4 year old daughter is unsafe when with her mother as her mother is neglectful, careless, violent, nasty tempered, malicious, hateful and sadistic. She as also threatened to bring others against me to cause harm. Please pray that my daughter continues to develop well and happy and not be...
My 4 year old daughter is unsafe when with her mother as her mother is neglectful, careless, violent, nasty tempered, malicious, hateful and sadistic. She as also threatened to bring others against me to cause harm. Please pray that my daughter continues to develop well and happy and not be...
The mother of my 4 year old daughter is even still increasingly lazy, neglectful, very nasty tempered with malicious ways, actions and threats. She thrives only to argue, lazily do nothing helpful and is a danger to my daughter's health, well being and developmemt. Please pray for me and my...
The mother of my 4 year old daughter is even still increasingly lazy, neglectful, very nasty tempered with malicious ways, actions and threats. She thrives only to argue, lazily do nothing helpful and is a danger to my daughter's health, well being and developmemt. Please pray for me and my...
Greetings. The mother of my 4 year old daughter is totally neglecting and totally ignoring her. She is also separating her from her 2 older playmate siblings. It's very very cruel and coldhearted. I'm totally and solely caring for my daughter now and trying to keep her spirits up. It's hard and...
The mother of my 4 year old daughter is damanding child support payments for my daughter and wants to take her out of my home away from my care. She is neglectful, unclean (sanitarily), malicious, violent,lazy, nasty tempered deceptive and very evil. I have no way of proof legally as it will be...
The mother of my 4 year old daughter is very malicious,evil,neglectul,violent and ungodly. She is currenty unjustly treatening to have me put in jail for a very long time via false accusations for no legitimate reason and cause me to be separated from my daughter. Please pray for me and my...
The mother of my 4 year old daughter is threatening to remove my daughter from my home to stay with her but my daughter clearly wants to stay with me. I'm a born again Christian, financially supportive, loving, gentle and compassionate. Her mother is neglectful, cold hearted beyond...
Please pray for safety and wellbeing of my 4 year old daughter as her mother is very evil, malicious violent, neglectful and abusive. She has my daughter in an unhealthy environment as she often does and will not allow me to reach her. Thank You.
The mother of my 4 year old daughter is very malicious,evil,neglectul,violent and ungodly. She is currenty unjustly treatening to have me put in jail for no legitimate reason and cause me to be separated from my daughter. Please pray for me and my daughters safety and protection in reference...
Earlier today I made an unwise decision to address a close neighbor in agitated anger. Please pray for me in reference as evil retaliation from that indivisual could result in my freedom, health, wellbeing and as well as the wellbeing of my 4 year old daughter to be severely...
The mother of my 4 year old daughter is neglectful, very evil, malicious, bad temepered, abusive and very cold hearted and full of hate for me spreading lies and rumours about me. She ignores our daughter and constantly put her in harms way and intentionally puts her in terror. Please pray for...
The mother of my 4 year old daughter constantly takes her to very hot unsafe dwelling full of evil hareful people and my daughter is tired of going there. Her mother is very evil, malicious, cold hearted and neglectful.I can't get legal custody of my daughter at this time. Please pray that this...
The mother of my 4 year old daughter constantly takes her to very hot unsafe dwelling full of evil hareful people and my daughter is tired of going there. Her mother is very evil, malicious, cold hearted and neglectful.I can't get legal custody of my daughter at this time. Please pray that this...
It's quite apparent that malicious violent plots are still active against me. Please continue to pray for my safety, well being and longetivy as I still as best to my ability/spiritual capability remain a genuine, kind softhearted (to God goes the credit and Glory) Amen... but somewhat firm...
My 4 year old daughter woke up a couple of days ago and was unable to walk. She is slowly getting better but is still having trouble walking up the stairs. I pray her legs will return back to normal and God will give her her strength back
My 4 years old daughter cannot stand or walk on her own.her hands are stiff and weak she cannot use them to do anything leave alone feed or even scratch herself
There is a painful sore spot on the inside of my right nostril increasing in size and intensity. Please pray for my prompt healing in reference. Thank you. Also my 4 year old daughter has a bit of a deformity on her earlobe due to her mother carelessly and stubbornly putting cheap earrings on...
My 4 year old daughter will be in danger if her mother ever gets sole custody of her without me being with her to watch and protect her. Her mother is very malicious, neglectful
physically & mentally abusive. She's planning to take sole custody of her to seek child support payments It would be...
Please pray for the peace and serenity of mind, normal mental and physical development, Godly protection safety and well-being for my 4 year old daughter as I'm struggling a bit financially as well as with the issue of her neglectful, malicious evil mother. I'm often in the storm and in a quite...