I may be letting my imagination run wild with me a little, but you know how Christians are always stating they think this one or that one is the Antichrist?Well I found 2 people so lost in sin, of whom I think I can rate them as a candidate for the Antichrist and the false prophet!!"
There are 2 people who I deal with, lost in sin, and because of their lost nature, are very unpredictable, and when I go around there , I never know what to expect, always a surprise, and not one that benefits me!!So it creeps me out.For this situation to stabilize.
There are 2 people I deal with{and hard to avoid} who are , due their own fallen nature, are very unpredictable and so I don't know what to expect when dealing with them .always"surprises" and it's creeping me out,For wisdom on my end, and of course that they get brought into spiritual...
Im dealing bwith 2 people who are so sinful that I'm wondering if they're the Antichrist and the False Prophet.To be safeguarded from their bad actions, which affect me if I'm dealing with them.
Please lord keep these 2 people ( Sam n k ) out of my families life’s . They are husband and wife and they lie , manipulate and try to destroy families and friendships . Lord I pray that god helps them n humbles them , pls let people see through there lies .
God thank you for pouring favor on Stephanie and John. Bring them together for tue love between 2 people. Two shining lights become one. They both love each other and want each to be happy and feel love.
God I love Stephanie Marks. She has this beautiful glow of love that surrounds her that is so attractive. I have this deep desire to be with her that I believe is god given. Pleas pour favor on us. Bring us together for true love between 2 people. So we can experience something that neither of...
There ar r 2 people I had the misfortune of meeting (kind of job related) who probably come from the slums and have that slum mentality to sponge off others to solve their problems and to me...its getting to be a little much.Also hard to avoid them because I go to their building for other job...
Jesus help me at work I have to let 2 people go and I’m not feeling good about it , but I have to do my job . Please guide me in what to say , protect me from all evil lord .
There are 2 people I know, and even have to deal with from time to time{or more often}and between the 2 of them their sins are so upfront and obvious that Im starting to think they're the antiChrist and the False prophet!!For me not to get dragged into their sinful trap when dealing with them,
For 2 people I know who got married just about 5 months ago but after the wife pressing him for marriage within the first few months she seems to take him for granted now but also is getting chummy with a male neighbor down the hall and so far in my opinion hasnt been forward enough tolet him...