my dearest heavenly father, as a childhood sex abuse survivor I seem to attract all the wrong men that are not good for me and I am now asking for your divine intervention. I have met liars, cheaters, abusers and even men who act as if they are an answer to my prayers and are just like me but...
Jesus, please continue to bless my daughter (###) with the wisdom, knowledge and dedication to continue to do exceptionally well in school. I pray she will do outstanding on her mid term exam today. I pray that she will have a blessed day at school and work fill with Your favors, guidance and...
I want to believe so badly. ### years in secular, liberal, gay, pagan lifestyle are making it very hard. I tremble with fear for my soul and the souls of others. Please, please help me believe. Please Jesus strike me with lightning.
World Leaders NEED Our Prayers, 1 Tim 2:1-2, The New Testament Urges Prayer for ALL in Authority... "I exhort first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession & givings of thanks, be made for all people: for kings and all in authority; that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all...