i suffer form ptsd concenirng csoemoen who always and still yell at me. they have aspergers and they odntrealize it btu i feel sobroken by it.Lor dheal my of acassandra syndorme and and heal all whoe hasve asperger syndorme. pelase teach those with asperger syndorme hal their brians pelase. i...
I have been the victim of severe mind control by people engaging in dark arts, witches and warlocks. I am currently in the process of coming to know Jesus deeper and becoming a Christian. These attacks have been intense and I wake up with major dissociation and possibly have PTSD. I have people...
Lump hot flash hypertension gallstone premature aging to be removed, please give me healing so I can sleep 8 hours a day, I get hot flash every time I am teaching my class, tension in my head and face. Renewed youth and wholeness.
Freedom and wisdom and power to gain wealth, place to live, companion and free from all bondage in life emotional physical bondage, I need a breakthrough in life. In Jesus name I pray Amen
Praise the lord God in Jesus name. Am praying in Jesus name my life decision handed in ur hands God all family members against to me they don't want to listen and understanding me. But u know me plz God help me don't leave me in this world. Amen
World Leaders NEED Our Prayers, 1 Tim 2:1-2, The New Testament Urges Prayer for ALL in Authority... "I exhort first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession & givings of thanks, be made for all people: for kings and all in authority; that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all...