The moment You touched my heart I felt heaven came down and glory filled my soul. I saw the eternal light leading me to Himself. Lamb of God, precious Lamb of God You came to bring joy where there has been sorrow, You gave us peace and joy in our life. Yes, You are here with us, to bless, to help and to heal our broken heart and mind.
O the glory of Your presence.
We Your temple give You reverence.
So arise to Your rest.
And be blessed by our praise.
As we glory in your embrace.
As Your presence now fills this place.
From the time I looked for life eternal, the eyes of the Lord were on my life and His presence was leading me to a path that I never entered. He warmed my soul and broke the ice of unbelief and rejection of His word. I felt His presence as soothing song to my troubled life, this was what I have been eagerly waiting to see and feel my heart turning to a blessed hope. Then, I opened God's word and suddenly this verse came to my eyes and I read.....
May God Himself, the God who makes all things holy, make you holy and whole, put you together, spirit, soul and body, and keep you fit for the coming of our Master, Jesus Christ. The One who called you is completely dependable. I Thess. 5.23,24
We stand in awe of You.
Holy God to You all praise is due.
We stand in awe of You.
His touch is a symphony of grace. Each moment we spent is a moment of grace and mercy. His presence a gift forever cherished.
O the glory of Your presence.
We Your temple give You reverence.
So arise to Your rest.
And be blessed by our praise.
As we glory in your embrace.
As Your presence now fills this place.
From the time I looked for life eternal, the eyes of the Lord were on my life and His presence was leading me to a path that I never entered. He warmed my soul and broke the ice of unbelief and rejection of His word. I felt His presence as soothing song to my troubled life, this was what I have been eagerly waiting to see and feel my heart turning to a blessed hope. Then, I opened God's word and suddenly this verse came to my eyes and I read.....
May God Himself, the God who makes all things holy, make you holy and whole, put you together, spirit, soul and body, and keep you fit for the coming of our Master, Jesus Christ. The One who called you is completely dependable. I Thess. 5.23,24
We stand in awe of You.
Holy God to You all praise is due.
We stand in awe of You.
His touch is a symphony of grace. Each moment we spent is a moment of grace and mercy. His presence a gift forever cherished.