Prayer Warrior
Yesterday my daughter was hanging out with a 3 other girls and they were all fine until a boy showed up at the house of one of the girls. This boy likes my daughter. These are children that are all under 12. My daughter came home and told me that the 3 girls pushed her and this boy out of the house and then told them they could only come back into the house if her and the other boy kissed. They didn't kiss and the boy went home upset and my daughter came home and told how these girls were picking on him and her. This morning I phoned the parent of the child whose house this happened at. The parent was not pleased to hear about this but said he would talk to his child. Thing is it wasn't totally his child's fault. It was an other girl that started the whole thing. But all three girls participated in this. Anyhow, I pray for this father, the three girls involved, and for the boy who felt embarrassed by the whole thing. I also pray that things at school will go well because this girl told the other kids at school that I phoned her parents and that now she is in trouble. I worry this makes me look bad as a parent to the other kids and that they may think I am a weird mother. I pray that these children will realize that what they did is wrong. I pray that my daughter will be okay through all of this too. Amen.