Beloved of All
yesterday my dad went for doctor appointment i am worried. but PRaise Report: he has a pension thank oyu allf or prayers. pelas epray for my fmailys salvaitona nd toal helaign and alo that God helps us all do His Will and be guide dby His holy spirit same wiht my hubby form the Lord. Lord please help me to eb after oyur heart and protect my my ubby our marriage forma ll evil. pelase prepare us for each other. also i am really stressed baout my diabete sissues and my grandma need sheliang bedridden for years.Lor dhelp me to care for her. pleas ealso hela my brother of histmian eintoleranc epleas ehlp him gian wight Lor dhela all fmaily mmebrs with dehydration issues please heal Bรฉla. please heal his healrt and viens arteries plaque build up same iwht my mom granmdy adad and brother please protect our fmaily form evil our homes posessions same with all people. pelase Lord help me to stay calm and dlieve rme formt he spirit of fear. pelase also dlieve rmy momf orm fear anxiety and hela my grandma dleive rus form allinfecitons mold help me clena and help me to keep upw ith tasks please send holy angels otminister ot my hubby and ehlp him at work. Lor dhela B s teeth gums rbian body midn giv ehim merr yheart protec thim always form all evil satnic power leave him and his flie forever God pelas egiv ehim aheart after Gods and sma eiwht me if it is oyur iwll for us to marr ymake it clean to both of us. Lor hdelp me clena hous egiv eme wisodm how to get rid ofmold and plase giv eme wisdom concenrign my health and fmailys health please hela us and dleive rus form all evil please forigve our isns help us repent.pelas ehla teth all brokenes sin me and my fmialy memebr.s giv em ydad always stbale insuin and best best of the best Lor dnutriton and pelas rbign lot sof joy into my fmaiy into our hoimes help us honour oyu in allw e do andexperience your dleiveracne Lor dofrm every area of ourlive sin which the enemy has taken posesison. ipelad oyur Holy blood on my my hummby our bodies midns emotions and itnetions.pelas eno ocutnerfeit husband for me Lor dugid em and my hubyb wiht oyur holy spirit concenrign oen another. pelas ehela my grandma form dmeentia hela he rbloos suagr and bloodpressur giv em clena direciton onwhat to feed he rbuy her help her and same wiht my mom and fmaily. pelyase send trilliny of Holy angles ot help us do oyur Will pelase dleive rme form alls tress related healthissuespleas eofrigvie my isn.pelas only le tme buy wha tmy fmialy needs and can help us and gorifies oyu thnaky ouLor Lord Jeus CHirs ti pelad oyu Hoyl blood on myslef on allpeoepl. pelas eldieve rme form choronaphobi aand also dleive rhtis world form coivd help me do athe home keeping and cairng fodos for fmaily hep me whenim loenly and help my hubyby if he is lonely send trilliony of holy angels ot minster to Hi. hela Bs teeth mind brian emotiny please also provid eof rlal his financia l needs incluidn gthat rewuest. Lord please giv em ymom peac eof mind merr yhelart bless my parents an dlalpoepel wiht happy healthy long lives free of he deivl in every way in the name of the Lord Jeus Chirs. help em also to preahc ot gospel and be ALWAYS fuillly 100% present wiht the peopel im with and not think over my own life. pelase me Lord to do that whichis pelase in both thoguth deed word and aciton. protect my fmaily form all eivla dn dleive rus form accidnets prent accident dealth illness and stanic bondage addicitons ungodly habits. help us be led by yourHoyl spirit and alo pelas ebring salvation through Chirs tot all my fmial .so all my fmail is alway isn Will of God and my hubby and HI s fmaily. please dleive rus ofrm evil doers and stumbling blocks to do your WIll lrod. help me matre and devleoed inru brians. hela all neurlogical rbians in fmaiyl and my hubyba nd his family.pelase dleiver B form smokign and alchahul may he have no desires for such toxic thigns. dleiver me form resent anger etc. help em eb contec tin Chirst. dleive rmy fmaily form all tocxxic emotiny and demony throuch Christ. help us have a heart truly ot serve the Lord. please take away all thigns formourlives that rpeven tus form heairgn an dfollowing FChirs ti pray this ofr lalpeope. pelas ehal al peopel who have illness and dleiver allpeopel form all ucnelan spirits that oculd make us sick. pelas eheal all egentics in my fmaiyl bolood etc emotions tha tcould make us sick. may our lives glrify oyu Lord an ddleive rus form all oru enemies. giv eme my hubyb and all peopel a soudn mind power and bodies free f o illnes and pain and merry hearts and hoipe inthe Lord. pelase halmy dad heart valve and may he expeirence mirculous helaign sma eiht my grandma. pelas eblss my grandm aiwht helaht logn life dleiverance form all diabetes insipidus root cuase theorrof pelase help me Lord i odnt knwo how to care for her an dmy fmialy. pelas eldieve rus ofmr lal metbalic disorder incluidn metabolic acidosis and type 1 diabetes periodotsis disease and all vitimin deficiency bold toyxivcity pelase help me i nee doyur gudiance Lord gently please and destory the devils work in our lives be exaulted and leive rs Lor form ever yevil. help me to honor my parnets an dobey them in all things. please help me God int henameof the Lord Jeus Chirs ti pryay. also help me an dmyhubyb to be one whomever you choose Lor dno strange marriage or ungodly husband for em pelase. prepar eus and provide a dwellign pleace and help us do oyur WIll. teahc us oyur ways quickly and may we be wise and depart form all evil. pelae help me only buy the thigns tha t you want me to have Lord an doyu have belssed. in thenamoe fthe Lor dJeus Chirst. also pelase giv em a an undestandign and helaht yhappy heart hope foccus better than ever courgae osudn mind an dbelss and giv emy granmd abest helaht ever helaher delvie rher form all demosn all sicknes and disease i thanky ou for oyu rheiang otuch shiftign teehtinto pelase .pelase dlieve rme form anxiety. pelase thnak yand same iwht lal popel. int he anmeof the Lord Jeue Chirst.