God is very real, and because He lives, so also is His Spirit, who dewlls within His people, very real.
We must never trample.
There's a difference between gleaning and siphoning. To glean is to gather what's left over, with authorization. To siphon is to apply continual force, without authorization, taking with violence. Any time you have to cast someone down to gain access to what they have, it's ROBBERY.
"I hate robbery for burnt offering."
To keep one down to manipulate and/or exploit what they are carrying "for the master," is oppression, on top of theft. When you park your car somewhere, you don't want it broken into; so likewise is it with God, He should be able to place His vessel anywhere He chooses, for as long as He chooses, and "we" not be tampered with, to rob of the indwelling.
"Touch not My anointed (Holy Spirit), and do My Prophets no harm."
He doesn't even bother to tell us what the penalty is. He warned us, and that's enough.
You don't get away with stealing from the Holy Ghost.
YES, IT IS TRUE; Because He said it.
