Hello there again, welcome to one of my morning devotions today. ''God answers no at times''
While I am not yet a parent, I believe that I can for a fact say that parents don't always answer their kids request with a yes, I go further by saying that, I no that they most times they answer with a no or as they sometimes say ''wait that's not the right time, maybe later'', or sometimes they go as far as saying I have been there I no,don't you trust me? yeah, I no these answers because though I am not a parent I am a daughter,and have been on the receiving end of those later answers, which at the time I felt was just not right but now that I am older and you as well I’m positively sure can think back and say, yes, it's a good thing she didn't or else.
In 1Kings 19:1-3, we see God answering with a no. Elijah, I am sure you know this story and so I will get to the point, Elijah went to the Lord with a request to die, can you believe it? yes he sure did, and ofcourse I must tell you that this is the very same Elijah who had prayed that it might not rain and it didn't, the very same one that prayed that it would and it did, do you remember 1Kings 18:25,with the demonstration of God's power? God had been answering Elijah's prayer and not just answer but give him his heart's request only this time God didn't, his answer was no, it wasn't the right time, that's not how it had to happen, God wasn't done with him yet, God still had plans for his life, we see also that God knew his heart, and so instead of giving him his death wish, God gave him strength for the plans he had in mind for him. God gave him, strength for the mission he had for him.
Today my encouragement to us all, myself included; is that we trust that God knows best and the bible says in all things to give thanks in for it's God's will for us in Christ Jesus1Tess.5:18.
I write this knowing that this is a prayer site where we pray for each other, but knowing like myself sometimes we can want what we want, but knowing that at the end we have to trust the Lord.
I live with you Proverbs 16:9, We can indeed plan our way but the Lord determines the steps, also Isaiah 40:31, it says about waiting on the Lord.
Let us therefore encourage ourselves in the Lord.
While I am not yet a parent, I believe that I can for a fact say that parents don't always answer their kids request with a yes, I go further by saying that, I no that they most times they answer with a no or as they sometimes say ''wait that's not the right time, maybe later'', or sometimes they go as far as saying I have been there I no,don't you trust me? yeah, I no these answers because though I am not a parent I am a daughter,and have been on the receiving end of those later answers, which at the time I felt was just not right but now that I am older and you as well I’m positively sure can think back and say, yes, it's a good thing she didn't or else.
In 1Kings 19:1-3, we see God answering with a no. Elijah, I am sure you know this story and so I will get to the point, Elijah went to the Lord with a request to die, can you believe it? yes he sure did, and ofcourse I must tell you that this is the very same Elijah who had prayed that it might not rain and it didn't, the very same one that prayed that it would and it did, do you remember 1Kings 18:25,with the demonstration of God's power? God had been answering Elijah's prayer and not just answer but give him his heart's request only this time God didn't, his answer was no, it wasn't the right time, that's not how it had to happen, God wasn't done with him yet, God still had plans for his life, we see also that God knew his heart, and so instead of giving him his death wish, God gave him strength for the plans he had in mind for him. God gave him, strength for the mission he had for him.
Today my encouragement to us all, myself included; is that we trust that God knows best and the bible says in all things to give thanks in for it's God's will for us in Christ Jesus1Tess.5:18.
I write this knowing that this is a prayer site where we pray for each other, but knowing like myself sometimes we can want what we want, but knowing that at the end we have to trust the Lord.
I live with you Proverbs 16:9, We can indeed plan our way but the Lord determines the steps, also Isaiah 40:31, it says about waiting on the Lord.
Let us therefore encourage ourselves in the Lord.